Streaming on Cazic Thule

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Duhbeast, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Duhbeast Augur

    Hey I've been streaming a little bit here and there. Tower of Rot tonight with open raiding Freelance on Cazic Thule. Come check it out if you want.:D
  2. Duhbeast Augur

  3. Goth Augur

    So do these videos not record somewhere? I would like to watch some cool EQ videos.
  4. Duhbeast Augur

    No sir. I still just stream live for now. More open raids tonight at 7 central if you want to drop in. With Tor and Argin Hiz down I'm guessing it's Journey Home tonight. Come in and chat if you want. We had folks talking about the server they are from and old times haha.