Stratos Named - Where to start?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by sdeco, Oct 1, 2019.

  1. sdeco Lorekeeper

    Hi all, so we've done a few missions in Stratos now (Including Fight Fire) and were thinking about named hunting. Any recommendations, are any ones impossibly hard, or better yet easy peasy ?

  2. Qbert Gallifreyan

    The answer depends in part on your group make up. Some named poop out adds, some like to mez, others knockback, some silence/amnesia and yet others severely mitigate DoT damage, DD damage and/or reflect spells/dodge melee like mad.

    None of them are easy, but some may be a lot easier than others for you based on what classes are present.
  3. Laronk Augur

    If you've done fight fire, i'd give the smoke trial wending ways a try. you can take as much time as you want and you get a bunch of loot at the end including a chance at 2 diminished muhbis
  4. sdeco Lorekeeper

    Sorry, should have said our group is usually Mage w pet tanking, Chanter, Ranger, Necro or Ranger and 2 healing mercs
  5. Dewey Augur

    Start with smoke trials wendy ways(do this every time it's up), Go through progression. then Farm the second plane of fire mission for battle stuff. Also do fight fire every time it's up for the chase items.

    You'll get gear mainly from the missions. The names are just for augs and hunter. No reason to camp them for gear since they are harder than the missions.

    Like there is this one named in plane of smoke called Dirge of Lost Horizons. Your entire group will just get blown up on engaging. It's funny when we kill him and the mercs just go poof every time on engagement.
  6. Tucoh Augur

    In many ways farming stratos named is harder than any other group content in TBL. Dewey is 100% right, farm the missions (and GMM) for gear, kill the named for augs / hunter.
  7. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    One lesson you learn quick hunting in Stratos...Use a mount 100% of the time.
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