Step Further for new Hero Forge Animal hats

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kirkisx, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Kirkisx Tunare's Chosen Paladin

    just a thing i noticed.... devs should go a step further and makes a full suit of fur armor fro mthe animals.... equipable by any class seeing the hats looks dopey on plate casters id love to have leather or cloth armor for them but i cant pls consider this fur armor would be so cool
    Neodraykl likes this.
  2. Sinestra Augur

    That sounds like Furries and therefore creepy.
    Tegila and Rouan like this.
  3. gcubed Augur

    We already have a rat suit. :p
  4. Tobynn Augur

    Put me down as a No for the Chewbacca suits.
    Axxius and Sinestra like this.
  5. Falos Augur

    Yeah i agree, no to the furries idea.

    Eq'ers are generally in their mid 20's to 40 years of age.

    Furries are generaly 5-10 year olds (PROVE ME WRONG)

    No thanks i dont want little kid stuff in my adult game.
  6. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Actually, Furries can be very adult; there is a whole fetish for it.
    That aside, when I saw the whole make whole sets of armor, it made me think more along the lines of the crazy hermit/backwoods guy in old fantasy movies, that is covered in furs and such.
  7. Falos Augur

    Naw, those are little kids playing dress up.
    Pirlo likes this.
  8. Piestro Augur

    Let's not discuss it. Inevitably the discussion will head south. I respect everyone's life choices but have no desire to see a full blown discussion on these forums.
  9. Ruhtra Lorekeeper

    Why when I first saw this I thought about "forever lazy" as armor? It would be fitting for someone who plays as casually as I do.
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Enough with the hats we need boots and shoes!!!

    Failing that handbags!

    I wouldn't say no to a walking Chewbcca, but he has to be 7 feet tall and come with a chain....I feel a new familiar coming on.
  11. Tegila Augur

    boots would be ok hehe or winter coats..but please lets go with hats that arent jsut hollowed out heads, davey crocket raccoon-tail (or skunk?) etc, the tall russian fur hats etc..furlined bombers etc..but a rabbit head as big as the bear head? kinda goofy
  12. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Monk usable Robes ftw
  13. Falos Augur

    I never understood why they kinda phased the robe look out for monks, robe wearing monks looked so cool in the old days I wish they had chosen that as the mainstream monk look over the stupid leather vests :(
    Mellifleur likes this.
  14. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Yeah, it fell victim to the armor type specific looks. What really sucks is that they won't even alternate our class specific armor with it every other expansion.
  15. Mellifleur Augur

    Eli it is 3am EST, what are you doing awake ? .. lol
  16. Mellifleur Augur

    Taco's brother... cant go wrong with Taco's
  17. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Then just go for the Mexican :p
  18. Kirkisx Tunare's Chosen Paladin

    i think you all misunderstood what i meant by animal suits not like a panda or bear suit but more like fur armor


    like use the furs you collect to make bracer feet ect... you know not like a bear suit or a panda suit
    Neodraykl likes this.
  19. Neodraykl Elder

    I'd be all for something like the above, furry boots, bracers, maybe chest.

    Question for Elidroth, regarding his comment about the design for the pieces, if art created one set of HF gear, say in brown, is there any addional design work for making it black, or grey, or reddish, or simply a tint change? Logic would make me think that, but one can never be sure how the coding system works in EQ.