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Starting on Yelinak - Healer or Tank? Hmmm

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by hein, Aug 29, 2022.

  1. hein Augur

    Greetings friends,

    I think with bonus exp weekend likely before us, I'm going to start a character on Yelinak this week. I am correct in understand it's still on Kunark for a while? I'm either going tank or healer this time. What's your feeling on what's probably needed most? Should I go Sk or Warrior if tank. I'm guessing Cleric is the only real option right now if wanting to get healing jobs.

  2. MarttinPH Augur

    I think both would be in demand (healer or tank). You don't have to limit yourself to the perceived optimal classes. Not everyone min/maxes average group experience, and the ones that do are already at the level cap by now. Play the one you like. Shaman slows are super effective still in this era, and druid healing is just fine.
  3. Quik Augur

    Tank is much higher in demand than any other class on Yelinak, but low lvls in general are a bit hard to find groups right now.
  4. Tippolski New Member

    Velious launches in like a week or two, but seems to be some low lvl folks all over CB and UR still. Tanks are definitely in demand, along with heals so you can't go wrong either way... Once we get our bonus xp :D
  5. Mashef Augur

    Groups were pretty easy in Faydwer for me. I plowed 3 toons to 22 to 29 without going anywhere but CB and UR. Sometimes you LFG for a little bit but not awful and try to build one if you see a few LFG types makes it faster.

    Zero invites for zones outside of UR. Kind of odd for Kunark era - usually always some goobers trying to drag you to LOIO or Kurns. It seems like the population is much lower then the other traditional servers. With 8 week unlocks the population shouldn't be this low after 6 weeks of Kunark. Hope to see it spike up with an exp weekend.

    I would venture tank or cleric are the most in need for groupage.
  6. Aenoan Augur

    Play both. Then you get the best of both worlds. Heck, I would dare say play a tank, healer and a dps. Then you when your bored you have alts/options.
  7. Bewts Augur

    Cleric. Always a Cleric.