Stability AB

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Diani, Sep 8, 2015.

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  1. Izizizy New Member

    It is seriously getting beyond a joke now!

    #FixAB << Lets get it trending!!
  2. chronicler Augur

    AB Down 17.00 CET
  3. Izizizy New Member

    And there it goes again, I've got into the habit now of stopping what I am doing at XX:50 and sitting somewhere safe until XX:10 when I know of the server is going to be stable again!
  4. Blimpy New Member

    Booted from Brothers island (both toons) 16:02 GMT -8 hrs PST 6th October

    This sucks .. had namer at 4% !!!
  5. Siny Augur

    Started to log a toon to swap to another at 7 mins to and froze. Disconnnected both on that toon and the other still in lobby shortly after the hour
  6. Igniz Augur

    Getting from Login to Char select took 10 Minutes. After that, while trying to log in my character, I got disconnected.

    [Tue Oct 06 18:05:33 2015]00544:Starting char select.
    [Tue Oct 06 18:05:33 2015]00545:Clearing display buffers.
    [Tue Oct 06 18:05:33 2015]00546:Display buffers cleared.
    [Tue Oct 06 18:05:33 2015]00547:Initializing character select UI.
    [Tue Oct 06 18:05:33 2015]00548:Resetting game UI.
    [Tue Oct 06 18:05:36 2015]00186:D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx()    failed to create texture    for    particle system.
    [Tue Oct 06 18:07:11 2015]00549:Zone Connect -- 0 -- Received MSG_ZONE_ADDRESS
    [Tue Oct 06 18:07:11 2015]00550:Zone addr [] received...
    [Tue Oct 06 18:07:41 2015]00551:ERROR: World did not drop the connection.
    [Tue Oct 06 18:07:41 2015]00552:Failed to connect to zoneserver (, port 2222), result = 5, for MSG_ZONE_ADDRESS.
    [Tue Oct 06 18:07:41 2015]00553:THE SERVER IS NOT RESPONDING.
    [Tue Oct 06 18:07:41 2015]00554:
    end of DisplayScreen
    [Tue Oct 06 18:08:05 2015]00555:Networking: connection terminated [client:DisconnectReasonOtherSideTerminated,server:DisconnectReasonApplication]
    [Tue Oct 06 18:08:05 2015]00556:disconnected at C:\p4\EverQuest\live\EverQuest\EverQuest.cpp:18005 (char. select) DisconnectReasonOtherSideTerminated,DisconnectReasonApplication
    [Tue Oct 06 18:08:05 2015]00557:Character is .
    [Tue Oct 06 18:08:05 2015]00558:YOU HAVE BEEN DISCONNECTED.
    [Tue Oct 06 18:08:05 2015]00559:
    end of DisplayScreen
    [Tue Oct 06 18:08:08 2015]00560:Networking: Connection Closed [0] with 0 pending bytes.
    Punted to Server select -> Click AB -> You already have a player in this world -> kick active player -> An unknown error occurred while trying to join the server.
  7. Imrahil Augur

    I am quite impressed that people are still posting details about the LDs and when and where they happened. From me there won't be anymore information, if DBG was really interested in solving this they would have their own people online as this is their working time anyway.
  8. Triksta New Member


    I have 3 accounts right now, I sub just one. I would really like to sub all 3 and buy the new expansion for all 3... But I am truly unsure of what is going on with AB so much that I am reluctant to spend any more money in case you just pull the plug or simply just leave it to die on its own.

    Right now my trust in you is gone, I really would like to trust you again and give you more money.

    Can you really blame me in holding back with the way things are going?

    Please give me a reason to have faith in your company.

    Also I hope you understand how it looks from the players side, for many people its crystal clear you don't care about us. I think it might help you/your image to just say a few simple words. I can understand you might be fed up with the people who you can never please and no matter what you say, your gonna get flamed. But there are also people who would just be happy with a simple text of acknowledgement now and again, including myself.

    If you can not spend 2 mins to type something, not only does it make people think you really don't care, it also looks like... that company must be falling apart.
    cadres likes this.
  9. Nyane Journeyman

    7:08pm CET huge lag, maybe boot inc

    Edit: lag lasted till 7:18. Lag in the sense that you can't zone, chat doesn't function, updates don't work, etc.
  10. Mizar Lorekeeper

    19:13 guild set up in arx 1.5 instance with guild tool, tells, non standard channels giving 45+ second delays, holding starting the event until the server has digested whatever data it's unable to process atm
  11. Mizar Lorekeeper


    Well we don't have a clue how servers and processes and systems are set up, but this is what I can deduce, and I am pretty sure of it after days and days suffering the issue:

    The issue is a resource that gets drained from time to time (leak, loop, lock ... ), be it CPU, Database accesses, Bandwith usage, Memory, Disk, Stacks, no idea what of those.

    What game systems are unaffected: combat, hits, miss, spell casting etc, in game channels, zone life (no 'static' zone nor instance crashes)

    What game systems are affected: log ins, zoning, chat channels, tells, quest updates, status updates, group management (invites, raid tools etc), even log in task list the server as 'down' when the server is up, probably trying to poll the server for status but the server is unable to answer him in time

    I assume whatever resource may be starts to be used from zero and whatever the issue is it causes siad resource to not be 'released' or get 'blocked' until it starts to get scarce, then the said systems get visibly affected until a point the server cant feed the clients in time, past some minutes the server closes/terminates/restarts such system and all comes back operational as the resource has been freed

    I wish I could point to what the resource is and what causes the resource usage to get critical, btu thats all I can deduce

    Then again, I may be clueless, just guessing from user experience
  12. Shogan Journeyman

    slowly i'm beginning to think that the wrong guys got let go, maybe they where the ones doing their job ....
    cadres likes this.
  13. Blimpy New Member

    Pikeyalt raids cancelled for the week due to unstable server ... that's the last straw for me .. account cancelled... its been 15 years of funnage .. what a shame it ends this way ... you know what you can do with "A broken Mirror" ... I hope it shatters up there !
  14. Brogett Augur

    Chat channels taking 3-4 mins to arrive now. Same is true for some other actions, eg invites to raid.
  15. Mizar Lorekeeper

    We were at Zeks that time, noticed chat channel, lag , no disconns, current orders on raid are, not use chat channles or tells when server is lagging, nor zone, and try not to use raid tool or anything that generates server info other than fighting and casting and standard channel usage. Also we do not open chests is lag is happening.
  16. Diani Augur

    Crash to characterselect and then the black screen with white letters: the server is not responding.
    Crash to login completely.
    Log in
    at selecting server getting the message that there already is a toon in the world that needs to be removed first. And then Error timed out.
    And then server shows down in red letters
  17. Santrigan Lorekeeper

    Server discon Again this time in the Shards Landing Zone.
  18. Tlail Elder

    [Tue Oct 06 21:34:34 2015]00926:Networking: connection terminated [client:DisconnectReasonOtherSideTerminated,server:DisconnectReasonApplication]
    [Tue Oct 06 21:34:34 2015]00927:disconnected at C:\p4\EverQuest\live\EverQuest\EverQuest.cpp:19259 (char. select) DisconnectReasonOtherSideTerminated,DisconnectReasonApplication
    [Tue Oct 06 21:34:34 2015]00928:Character is Tilail.
    [Tue Oct 06 21:34:34 2015]00929:YOU HAVE BEEN DISCONNECTED.
    [Tue Oct 06 21:34:34 2015]00930:
    end of DisplayScreen
    Disconnected in Arx.

    Whole group was disconnected.

    First disconnect after 3h for me today.

  19. Brogett Augur

    [Tue Oct 06 20:34:15 2015]00829:Networking: connection terminated [client:DisconnectReasonOtherSideTerminated,server:DisconnectReasonApplication]
    [Tue Oct 06 20:34:15 2015]00830:disconnected at C:\p4\EverQuest\live\EverQuest\EverQuest.cpp:19259 (char. select) DisconnectReasonOtherSideTerminated,DisconnectReasonApplication
    [Tue Oct 06 20:34:15 2015]00831:Character is Brogett.
    [Tue Oct 06 20:34:15 2015]00832:YOU HAVE BEEN DISCONNECTED.
    [Tue Oct 06 20:34:15 2015]00833:
    end of DisplayScreen
    I had a ping of going at the time and got a few Request timed out messages, but mostly it was working fine at mostly 19ms and occasional spikes to 200ms (this was the last host in traceroute before the eqzone server).

    It would help us if you could let us know which hosts you wish us to monitor, for more feedback (if any).
  20. ghilgamesh New Member

    disconnected with my 2 toons in plane of air at 9:34 pm
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