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Spoiler alert: Mass boxers will go to truebox tlps

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by HoodenShuklak, Jan 25, 2020.

  1. Accipiter Old Timer

    Not at all. We just understand what krono are, why they were introduced, and why they work.
    Fraggly and That0neguy like this.
  2. Kittany Augur

    I presume you're speaking for the whole community? Then if so, please explain, in detail, of what a krono is, why they were introduced, and why they work? Because it seems us poor misguided plebs are misinformed.
  3. Lacka Journeyman

    solution? let the real boxers play with the krono lords.
  4. Accipiter Old Timer

    Read the FAQ. It isn't hard to understand.

    "We" in my post includes the regulars here who respond to the anti-krono crowd on a regular basis. I'm comfortable with what I said.
    Fraggly and code-zero like this.
  5. Kittany Augur

    That doesn't answer the question. I know what it says. It tells me nothing on what the "third party RMT community' thinks it means. :p
  6. Xeris Augur

    I have 6 accounts, 1 of which I paid a lifetime sub for... The other 5 I'm funding thru Kronos. Over the past year I have enough Krono to pay for all my accounts for 2 years. Any excess plat/Krono I'm able to farm will go to plat raids and such.

    I think Kronos are just fine. It's made the game more enjoyable AND affordable for me.
    Tymeless and code-zero like this.
  7. feigntrain Elder

    Exploit? Sorry, I thought the levitation spell existed for a reason.
  8. Mybag Journeyman

    I agree, I don't see how that's an exploit.
    Tymeless likes this.
  9. Hinastorm86 Augur

    Fact is, all the usual high post count faces on this forum have tons of krono. So you'll see alot of propaganda from them defending it on fresh servers.

    People coming into fresh servers filthy rich minute one is horsecrap, and everyone knows it.
  10. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Being rich day 1 is definitely unfair and kinda kills some of the newbie magic, but honestly rmt and eq are just never going to go away. Dbg at least should get their money rather than some scumlords buying another mod for their 4 wheeler while they wait between government checks.
    code-zero and Torg like this.
  11. Hinastorm86 Augur

    I agree that RMT will never fully go away, but we're not talking about "illegal" RMT, we're talking about the game company itself fully sanctioning people being filthy rich minute one of a new server.

    We can't stop people from buying plat online, but we can stop people bringing their huge fortunes from another server over with them.
  12. nazgull2k1 Elder

    ROFL, I love all these people like "omg make kronoz no trade and ALL the problems go away!"

    The day Krono goes no trade is the day this game fuggin dies, folds up and vanishes into the abyss with Earth & Beyond, Shadowgate, Vanguard, and every other MMO that failed.

    The ONLY reason EQ is even alive at this junction is Krono and Xp Pot sales.

    Ya'll wanna cure a problem by dropping a nuke on 1 mouse under your fridge... yeah, you'll do it.. but you'll be blasting to pieces everything within a 250 mile radius too.
    code-zero likes this.
  13. Kittany Augur

    The problem is; Nobody has made any better suggestions. There are obvious problems and other games have done the "30 day subscription time as an in game item" a lot better than (the now known as) Darkpaw's current implementation. And while other games take on this system isn't perfect, one could argue that they learned from Darkpaw's mistakes. (And yes, I know Sony/DBG's/Darkpaw Games isn't the first to come up with the idea. Eve Online's model directly influenced what we currently have.)

    The major difference between Eve and EQ in this regard is that the Eve world is one huge play space whereas ours is split among many independent economies of the servers. And it has been seen time and time again that a few individuals can greatly inflate, control and monopolize the economy of a new server just by bringing several hundred dollars worth of krono. If not thousands.

    That said, I'm not going to argue that the krono sales and exp pots aren't the lifeblood of EQ right now because I do agree with you. But, Darkpaw games is shooting itself in the foot by allowing it to be infinitely traded because it creates a very large (And and still very profitable) third party krono resell business.All that leads to more people botting and abusing both the player base and our game for the sole purpose of making a quick buck off exploitation.

    And it is at this point, the "But RMT has always been here!" or "If it isn't the krono, it'll be plat!" crowd will come fluffing in to quip these age old yarns of wisdom to shut the conversation down. I'm not pointing fingers of course. Those wonderful people know who they are. (For the record, I'm poking the bear with this little jab).

    To get back on track of the response in tune to your analogy; Most of the so called "Pro Krono" people on this forum would rather let the mouse chew through the wiring of the refrigerator, then the walls and finally into the house while an infestation takes over. Each additional mouse chewing on everything till the house is falling apart and finally condemned.
  14. Tymeless Augur

    so what they can buy a set of banded armor day 1 or 2 with a krono. None of that stuff has long term value so they are in effect paying 18 dollars of someones RL money for stuff that is obsolete in approximately 3 months. Doesn't seem like a great investment. However those that consume Krono to keep multiple accounts running its a great investment for them to be able to turn plat, and items that are obsolete in just a couple months into game time for their accounts.