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spellbook sorting

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by eq_fan, Oct 10, 2016.

  1. eq_fan Journeyman

    is there a way to get the spellbook to sort by category. Fire spells on one page, utility spells on another, shield spells on yet another page or am I doomed to have to micro manage these?
  2. Derd Augur

    Your doomed, if your ocd. Use the Spellbar menus and never look back at the spellbook.
    Chikkin, Joules_Bianchi and moogs like this.
  3. Brudal Augur

    So your wanting the spells in the book to be organized the same as right clicking an empty spell slot and viewing the categories listed in the context menu? Not to my knowledge other than click and move and sort to your liking.
    moogs likes this.
  4. Treage_Imminent Elder

    Although the right click option works, I also would like a way to sort the actual book. I've had times when I had to forget a spell to create a way to sort thru and find something I was curious about. Mostly when I'm at a new spell level and trying to remember if I already scribed it or not. It would be handy to replace the old catch-all book with one broken up by type.
    Mocha likes this.
  5. Brudal Augur

    /output spellbook will create a text file which gives you the level and name of the spell including rank you know. Magelo, Eqresouce, Raidloot or Allakhazam are all popular resources to see all spells available by class and level. Beyond those options move the spell with right click and left click to put spells on various pages till your happy with it. /book 100 will open the last page, you can /book 1 to go back to the beginning. Best I can offer.
    Firaaf, moogs and Mocha like this.
  6. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Derd's suggestion is the best. Use right-click on the spell gems when loading a spell, and never open the book again.

    Also, learn to use spell sets. Then you can load entire sets of spells with one click.
    moogs likes this.
  7. Bitten Journeyman

    /SpellbookArrange (category, era, levelTarget, situation, etc.) would seem very useful.

    Probably a major technical challenge, so probably not something any Game company owner would pursue hard, but it seems like it could be useful for gamers.

    I'd like to eliminate extra and useless spells, but keep my book reasonably tight and close to level order, but I'd also like to be able to sort all my druid or wizard transport spells to adjacent pages. As I continue to age and forget old info, I'd like to spend less time replying "I dunno if there is a port to X /loc, Give me 20 or 30 minutes to sort, slowly so I don't skip over any spells, through my spell book." and "Yes, I wish there was a way to sort it like that, too!"

    Anyway, yeah - /bump! Hope this doesn't put me in violation of the newly posted Rules of chat.
  8. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Doesn't seem very useful at all. You can't get any more useful than right-clicking on an empty spellbar gem, and looking up the category you want.

    For your example, right-click, select "Transport" category, and then the content/area you want to port to, to see what locations are offered. "Misc" under "Transport" is for Gate/Succor/anchors/etc.
  9. Iven Suggestions Bard

    Leave enough space for further spells per category. 4-8 pages. Leave the first two pages empty for scribing new spells. Then create hotbuttons with "/book #page" for each category and put icons on them.
  10. Annastasya Augur

    WELCOME to Everquest's mini game #26. By clicking on the small book icon at the bottom of your spell bar, you can unlock hours upon hours of entertainment. Flip pages! Click spell icons!

    Place spell icons in any order you like! Pictures with like pictures! Do it alphabetically! Put them in order by level! OR for the love of Innoruuk, do ALL THREE! There is no tier of OCD that is not welcome here, my friends!

    OR you could choose to be a heartless savage and just ignore their placement in the spellbook! OH THE HUMANITY! Were you raised in a Halfling Hut??? What kind of Chaotic Evil alignment are you aiming for?? Show me on this orc dolly where the Necromancer touched you! If your spells are in an unsightly pile, that landed in the order you purchased and memorized them, what are you even doing with your life??! You want to summon the god of Chaos to eat your soul?

    You can even delete them!
    Choose wisely.
    Firaaf, MasterMagnus, Chikkin and 5 others like this.
  11. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I would urge you to be careful with this sort of needlessly inflammatory language. The Dwarven Council has intercepted messages that show that halflings are learning to use pointed objects. Now, to be sure, they have so far only used them to put each others eyes out, but the possibility exists that they might accidentally stumble on the idea of using them as weapons on the better folk. So, be careful.

    P.S. I sorted my spell book once. Took way too long for way too little return. Have no interest in doing it again. Hmm, I wonder if we could tell halflings that they need to do this on a weekly basis. It might give them something non-destructive to do.
    Hegsheoshed, Stymie and CatsPaws like this.
  12. Stymie Pendragon

    Nennius likes this.
  13. Bernel Augur

    Anyone know of a reformatter for the spellbook output to rearrange the flat text file into the spell gem right click hierarchy format?
  14. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Nennius and Stymie like this.
  15. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    The funny thing is,, heroicing a character does exactly that...

    I've often thought the spellbook, especially seeing as how


    that we might

    I don't know



  16. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Heroics already DO lump spell lines together. The template is already there for OP's request.

    /em tosses

    "Major technical challenge" type arguments out the window.
  17. Bartlesen Lorekeeper

    Imagine being the species that had kobolds as a rough draft and pretending to be superior to anything else besides gnomes.
    Nennius likes this.