Spell swapping macro?

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Xythereal, Mar 14, 2019.

  1. Xythereal New Member

    I heard you can setup a macro in a hotkey whereby you can swap spells on the spell bar. Great for shamans loading buffs. Can this be done and how?
  2. Brohg Augur

  3. bigpapa Augur

    as a raiding shaman my goal is :
    1) the keep my group alive .
    2) heal tank if they seem to take a lot of damage ( and cast alliance ).
    3) doing dps .

    on my saved spell set { I got many of them } , some for group game some for raiding .

    on my saved spell set I usually start the name of the spell with :

    I type ----------->> 1 raid dps
    -------------------->> 2 unity
    -------------------->> 3 alliance
    -------------------->> 4 group cure
    -------------------->> 5 incapacity
    -------------------->> 6 disease dot
    -------------------->> 7 magic dot ect.

    I prefer starting with the number 1 to 9 ect and if there are more than 9 saved spell set the 10th one for me start with * A * ect, but anyway it is not a must to type any # before the name of your spell set if you know the place they are and the 1st on top is the /mem 1 , second is /mem 2 ect.

    on my hotkey { you can name it like you want } and when I press that hotkey the action it do is /mem 1
    if I want my raid dps, , if I press my cure hotkey , it will launch my 4th saved spell set ( /mem 4 ). ect.

    dunno if this is clear enough :)
  4. Craized Lorekeeper

    /memspellset #

    Where the hashtag is the name of your saved spell sets. I use this with my shaman box for swapping between spell sets on the fly. It works well.
  5. Xythereal New Member

    Dumb it down. How do you make a spellset to setup?
  6. Brohg Augur

    right click the button at the bottom of your spell bar
  7. Xythereal New Member

    I'm sloooow...
  8. Xythereal New Member

    Oh! I'm not at the computer right now instead I'm at the rail sipping on martinis.
  9. Xythereal New Member

  10. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Right click the book icon on your spellbar. You can load save or delete a spellset.

    If you have blank spell gems when you save a spell set, then only the loaded gems will be changed when you mem it. For example, I have several spellsets with just one spell in them, on gem 1. So I can load that one spell quickly when I need it, without having to wait for all 13 to load.

    Also, if spell sets have the same spell in a particular gem, then when you swap spell sets, it won't touch that gem, it's already correct. I use this for some longer cooldown spells, I keep them in the same gem slot for all those sets, so that I don't have to blow a cooldown.
    Sethiroth and Barton like this.
  11. Raccoo Augur

    1. Save your default spell set, if you haven't done that already.
    2. Check your default list, see what spells you don't mind swapping out. And note what spell slot #s they are.
    3. Unmem all of your spells from the spell bar.
    4. Mem 1+ spells in the slots you noted earlier, and save new spell set.
    5. Make hotkeys with the names of the spell sets. For instance, I use /mem default, then I can use /mem newpet, to load pet spell, and pet haste. Then you can get creative, and add in /cast to make a hotkey that will switch your spell set, summon and buff a new pet (maybe even shrink it).
    Appren likes this.
  12. Tappin Augur

    There’s already a macro in game - just save spell sets. Always keep the spells with long global cooldowns in the same spot.
  13. Sethiroth Augur

    Using memspellset macros stops unintentional errors such as accidentally saving over a spell set when you meant to load a spell set and it’s one click opposed to multiple fiddly clicks, plus as has been mentioned above you get extra functionality with a macro. For instance I have a macro on my shaman whom I box that will change from current spell set to shrink spell set, cast shrink twice, then swap back to general spellset all with one click.
  14. Tappin Augur

    Umm, that’s using the macro I mentioned in my post. You don’t need to right click anything besides saving your sets prior.

    However, it’s always best to just do it the manual way if you’re in the middle of raid. The global refresh rate isn’t accurate and can often cast prior to it showing that it’s ready. Your macro also depends on lag - another reason to consider using a manual approach. You can also setup marcos on keyboard or mouse, but that might violate terms of service.
  15. Sethiroth Augur

    your original point wasn't the clearest. I thought you were referring to the spell book icon next to the spellbar.

    and absolutely, macros aren't good for raiding or anything that requires quick responses, but they do come in very handy in lots of other situations. they are a life saver for boxing for instance.