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sooo.. what now?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Creative Sparks, Apr 26, 2022.

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  1. Zarkdon Augur

    where are all these hardworking people? the Bazaars are empty now. go out and farm we need TS stuff.
  2. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    If someone wants to support the game to keep it afloat, good for them. Better than the crowdfunding fraudsters from vaporware games.

    With this economy - inflation and recession, no one in their right mind is spending big money on Krono.

    On the other hand, because of this economy, there is greater temptation to cheat/automate for Krono.

    You can actually see Krono prices going up severely on both EQ1 (near 3m or more on most Live servers) and EQ2 (hundreds of millions of platinum). The supply is shrinking because fewer people can afford Krono. I expect more players will be tempted to cheat (automate) for wealth acquisition so Daybreak has to step up enforcement.
  3. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Offer a competitive price on /barter.
    Bigstomp likes this.
  4. Zarkdon Augur

    Now that botters are gone you can get on to the bazaar and just sell the stuff directly without /barter. if you are F2P then why do you get a say on how the game works? Let the people who fund the game decide. The accounting division is going to have a melt down if the developers kowtow to the people that dont contribute to the bottom line.
  5. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    What are you talking about?

    You are supporting my argument. Make your own /barter. Of course you'll need All Access to use /buyer.
  6. Wanano New Member

    All I know is click a Krono , get suspended ! Then a 20 year Toon was banned ! are now afraid to click a Krono, afraid to log in, afraid to do anything ! You ask what did we do wrong ? DB says you are a Cheater. That it, No who, what, where or how. Just cheater. [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software], GINA, thats it. If that is cheating DB needs to say so. Maybe make a Post that says June 1, is amnesty day, give people back their toons and say This or That was the issue, now Be clean after this. But DB needs to say what their problem is. Suspending and Banning 20 year toons is the fastest way to kill this game. So few still play as it is . People are not going to remake 20 year Toons. They will just be gone. This time next year, Those left will wonder where did everyone go.
    Metanis likes this.
  7. Wanano New Member

    O my ,,, so what is in the image as OK software is auto changed by the forum as [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] . That is good to know , Thanks
  8. Zarkdon Augur

    I don't have any desire to interact with buyer. You wanted the ability to easily farm removed, its been removed. Now take up the market space that you so desperately advocated for. If you don't want to do it either then maybe there as a place for those farmers after all. If you don't see that this argument favors me then there is nothing I can do to help and I am just throwing my pearls to swine. You can always /general afterall. If you cannot /barter nor can you /bazaar you are not finacially contributing to the game and therefore should have 0 say in how the game works. Which is my fundamental point.

    Those that contribute get a say, those that are F2P are absolutely useless to everquest and do not matter in any way what so ever. You do not pay for the servers, you do not pay for the developers, you do not pay for anything. No contribution, no say. The devs can chime in but they should talk to the accounting department and the board of directors first.
    WFSBelaar likes this.
  9. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    lol, okay. "I got banned for using a krono!" sure. don't cheat next time, and don't tell people that daybreak is banning people who buy their kronos :rolleyes:
    Annastasya and Wdor like this.
  10. Drpeppa Journeyman

    3 or 4 hrs of play some times combined with overseer and getting that grp of friends you speak of together and grinding can easily net you 15%.

    So again rather then grp with yo friends and do overseer what you just sit there lfging?

    You DO realize this is an mmo right ? You HAVE to put forth some effort on you're end (just like you life) to get results. Or you can sit there lfg in lobby and be a victim of you know not what.
    Wdor likes this.
  11. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Who said I am F2P? I am All Access.

    These are arguments made out of desperation.
  12. Verily Tjark Augur

  13. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Someone said the EQ Facebook or EQ Discord was a pro-cheat circus show. I am not there to keep the peace.
    Wdor likes this.
  14. Wanano New Member

    What was the cheat ? I have looted chase items and sold them for Krono, My trader sells stuff all the time for plat. I then buy a Krono with that plat. Is that cheating ? I click the Krono, I get suspended. I petition and ask why was I suspended, The response, You cheated. So to me, DB is banning people for clicking Kronos.

    I used to play for hours, now afraid to log in or click another Krono when it is time. My trader is gone. My plat is gone that was on my trader, How did my trader cheat ?, That toon has never left the bazaar. I clicked a krono on my trader and it was suspended , then banned
    Fenthen likes this.
  15. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Let us guess. You had one or more 24/7 automated groups to gather chase loot.

    If this is true, I am pleasantly surprised that Daybreak is actually tracing sold chase loot to the original automator-looter.
    Wdor likes this.
  16. Wanano New Member

    You are so wrong, you should be ashamed. I play with people, No automation. Benito is really showing his qualities. Did somebody hurt you? You are so ready to yell everyone is a cheater. Did someone take your candy? Why are you so certain everyone is a cheater? Sometime the person that screams the loudest is the one doing the thing and you scream very loud. You guessed wrong and should apologize. Benito needs to look in the mirror. I am retired, I got time, Mobs drop stuff, I pick it up, I sell the stuff that dropped in the bazaar. No cheating there. How my trader cheat and get suspended ? You do not know, But you like DB will just yell cheater with nothing to back it up
    Fenthen likes this.
  17. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    1. "Just trust me, bro. I got 'chase items' (plural for multiple) by not automating."

    2. If you are innocent, you can file an appeal with Customer Service.

    3. Your hearsay/anecdotal experience has no bearing on Daybreak's rules against automation. If you are not automating, you should support anti-automation rules just like any rule-abiding player. (Ironically, the non-automation story never matches the pro-automation response).
    Wdor likes this.
  18. Wanano New Member

    1. "Just trust me, bro. I got 'chase items' (plural for multiple) by not automating."
    The past Five Years I have gotten three

    2. If you are innocent, you can file an appeal with Customer Service.
    The response , You cheated with no proof

    3. Your hearsay/anecdotal experience has no bearing on Daybreak's rules against automation. If you are not automating, you should support anti-automation rules just like any rule-abiding player. (Ironically, the non-automation story never matches the pro-automation response).
    I do, I am saying they are grabbing good with the bad
    How did my trader get suspended ?

    Like I said Benito, you should look in the mirror and ask why are you so on the companies side.?
    You are a Flat earther, that will not believe maybe the earth is round
    I do not waste my time with Flat earthers,
    Fenthen likes this.
  19. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I am glad that you condemn automation.

    If do not use any suspect 3rd party software (with the understanding that your narrative is hearsay), contact Customer Service to appeal.
  20. Bigstomp Augur

    Hello new member.
    Benito likes this.
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