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sooo.. what now?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Creative Sparks, Apr 26, 2022.

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  1. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    Targeted roll-backs are a dream come true for anyone that cheats. Remember the PoRo Beta Tradeskill merchant fiasco?
  2. Drpeppa Journeyman

    Play thr game as it's intended hello???? Stop acting like a victim, sitting LFG go out and FORM a grp get vocal get out make new friends, build new grps dont wait to be picked. That's pathetic you just sit there. On rathe lowest pop server I've ever seen personally, when I see 2 or more people in general lfging I ask them why they dont form in in grp their response I don't wanna grp with that person or something similar to that response.

    You can't then therfor come to the forums forums say I'm lfg for hours at a time trying to act like a victim of some sorts due to the inability to be social on you're side of things.
    Wdor likes this.
  3. Creative Sparks Quiet One

    sorry for the long post but I don't get to get on PC often.
    everyone seems to forget when someone post's it is from their point of view. read fully before responding several post's involved.

    what do ya think would happen when people cant find groups or even have an easy time getting into a group. I use to 3 boxed so I always had merc's up, and i always kept an eye out for players to join me. you must come from one of them high populated servers that doesn't have issues with single players grouping.

    Rofl, you obvisly did not read what typed company's buy things for many reason's, claiming that you know they wouldn't buy a game in debt or at a loss is idiocy at its best, knowing busyness owners who have purchased things and made it better to have a profit is typically what busyness's do. generally when a busyness sell's out is because they believe they cant make the game any better then what it is and if someone else wants to make it better then can buy it. just because they need the revenue doesn't mean they wouldn't suspend/ban people if they are "violating the rules" just to prove a point.

    yet again, more proof that you didnt read what I typed.. it was NOT a "OMG cheaters helped the game" it was "OK so now that Botting and Boxing is not allowed anymore what is the remedy".

    I get 3 - 5 hours to play (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday sometimes Thursday)6pm -11pm CST not as easy as you think it is when you are a parent and sol provider of a household. go to raid for 3 hours then spend the last hour or 2 LFG only day that I get to spend the entire time LFG in General is Thursday (when I have a Thursday off). so not much time for Socializing as you might have. sounds like you get to play every day and can be more social. or are in a guild that dose more then just raid once the race to get level's is done.

    I do agree with this, but sadly not how it works all the time, maybe for the more active servers but Povar and Miragul it just isn't that way, there are mainly cliques now. also being a returning player who had been back for 2 years only friends I had on are now gone, its just me and my wife and she hasn't played in month's.
  4. Creative Sparks Quiet One


    whelp its either a case of the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing OR you got that answer before they started doing their suspensions soo either way looks like only DGB will know exactly what the deal is.
    Fenthen likes this.
  5. Creative Sparks Quiet One

    lol love how ya are "projecting your life style" and what you are capable of doing do you get 3 sometimes 4 days of play.. do you raid 3 hours then get to play for 2 after? I know you haven't had the time to read what I just posted to know this info but this is exactly the problem with people is. you don't know crap about me yet you think I'm just playing the victim. you just love to project what you think you know VS what you do not, there for why don't you mind you own opinions on things you don't know
  6. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    Or.. and I know this is a crazy wild longshot but maybe.. just maybe… the kind of person that would cheat at a video game is also the type of person who would lie about cheating in a video game.
    Shanarias, Wdor and Nennius like this.
  7. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    There isn't anything wrong with cheating in single player games (it can be fun!), the problem is when you're playing with others. In multiplayer, it isn't fair to the people that are playing by the rules.
    Wdor and Nennius like this.
  8. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Want to crimp the automatic play? make the new TLPs only allow an account 6 hours online in each 24 hour period or such.
    Creative Sparks likes this.
  9. Creative Sparks Quiet One

    I really could care less, if I cheated I would say it, hence the reason I mentioned using ISBox to the GM (in link above) even though it violated the EULA and he confirmed it and then told me to not use it again or i would lose access to account, was proving the point that ISBox will get you suspended. in either case this still dose not fix the issue at hand and basically puts me in a unenjoyable game play being as I can not play my 3 toons because Alt+Tab is doable but makes it a lot of Random work making game even harder, instead of going directly to the toon in ISBox and not having other windows get in the way. spending the little time I have LFG sucks, I typically solo in the zone while /ooc between mobs given it takes me 7 - 10 min to kill 1 mob.

    In any case i get why everyone wants to put their 2c into the conversation even though it was directed at DBG to understand that some people love the game just don't have the time to "be social" as the game is meant to be in hopes that they will either make changes to the game to allow people who do not want to auto, a simple and integrated method of playing(built in ISBox) for more then one toon when being social is impossible or work hand in hand with the lesser of 2 and allow ISB.
  10. Creative Sparks Quiet One

    I have a question for you about this but not about to derail this topic to ask it now.
  11. Simaril Apprentice

    I do find it amusing when people talk about 'unfairness' in Everquest. Everquest has been unfair ever since the Krono became available. It's a pay to win game now. Anyone with money can buy Krono, turn it into in game platinum, and use that platinum to buy task adds, chest loot, and even powerlevelling. There are people who've used overseer along with this to have level 120's with a full set of current expansion gear without ever actually playing the game. As the song says, all you got to have is green. So don't talk about 'unfair'.
    Sobmre likes this.
  12. Bardy McFly Augur

    Players were doing this long before Krono was a thing. Not saying it's right or wrong, just a fact that pay-to-win is part of any game that allows item trade regardless of whether there are built-in ways of doing it, same for shared XP.
  13. Simaril Apprentice

    Yes, but Krono made it much easier, and you don't have to go through any non-game sources. And the current method of awarding loot through chests in group missions circumvent any NO-DROP restrictions on items. Anyone can easily upgrade their character to fully geared for about 50 bucks, all in game.
  14. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    That’s kinda simplistic and useless, people that put more time/effort/money into a game or sport will tend to come out ahead vs those who can’t/won’t, doesn’t mean flipping a coin is the only game you need to have good sportmanship in because it’s closest to being fair.
  15. Simaril Apprentice

    Except that you don't need time or effort, just money. I'm just responding to those that are saying that EQ is 'unfair' whatever your playstyle. It's been 'unfair' for a long time. But your right, most of life is like that too. Time or effort or skill playing your class doesn't matter in the gaining of in-game power or abilities as long as you have money and are able to buy those things.
  16. kizant Augur

    Paying for a carry isn't pay to win regardless of what currency or system is used to fund the transaction.
  17. Tual Augur

    It's only the little guy, the ones spending thousands of dollars a month are still going strong.
  18. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Big difference between someone earning platinum or items in game with hard work to buy Krono versus someone who sleeps 7-9 hours while automating for platinum or items (chase loot or collectibles) who converts ill-gotten wealth into Krono.

    Automation is a long form of a plat dupe. Automators (botters) are stealing from hardworking, rule-abiding players (who actually spent time and effort in game to acquire, or paid real money gained by work).
  19. Laronk Augur

    One way that I think that EverQuest could get with the times would be a cross server dungeon finder a la WOW.

    The reality is most gamers have a limited amount of time they can play so players need stuff that they can start and do in a say a 1 hour play session. LDON was great for this and so was COTF to an extent, there were a lot of missions that could be done in a short amount of time with some quest hubs. In current content we get like 4 instances all with lockouts, individualize the rewards and lock those out but let people run the missions multiple times.

    I know some people hate when people keep running the same mission but other people love it, give easy to access repeatable content to players so that those players who only have an hour have a place to show up where people are going to organically put together groups. The next expansion should have a quest hub, with easy access to a few instances that don’t lock them out for 6 hours something like 1 hour lockouts with a few instances would go a far way even. In this same spot put a few easy kill quests kind of like in House of Thule lower house where you can kill dogs and snakes. If you’re level 80-90 that’s actually a place on many servers where you can actually find players (not always). Maybe give these kill tasks a 30 minute lockout so you have to do a few different ones.

    Yeah these aren’t exciting ideas to those of us who find groups easy but a lot of players need the game mechanics to funnel them into a specific area.

    People tell the players to go form their own group but they don’t even know what they want to do with that group, they just want to log in and find a group.
  20. Simaril Apprentice

    Automators (botters) are stealing from hardworking, rule-abiding players (who actually spent time and effort in game to acquire, or paid real money gained by work).

    Glad you agree with me that you don't need to put time and/or effort into the game to succeed! You just have to be wealthy enough to spend some real money!
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