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Soo...mage focus items?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zinkeh, Jul 9, 2022.

  1. Zinkeh Augur

    I'm curious about these items. I recently finished my stein quest on my mage alt. Summoned my 41 water pet with the stein equipped. Pet summoned at the usual level (lvl 37) and is hitting for his usual max (48dmg)

    I mained a mage on Mangler and the pet gained a level and hit harder with these focus effects. I mained a mage on P99 and the pet gained a level and hit harder.

    Minion of water is still listed as an effect of the stein but it doesn't seem to be functioning. Is this intentional or some bug? I know they worked on TLP's previously.
  2. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Perhaps you are misremembering your time on Mangler, the broom/stein/shovel/torch have not changed the level of the the pets in years, if ever. Maybe they do on P99, I can't comment on that. Here is a link to some work that was done back in 2017 to map out pet stats and it shows Minion of xxx only increases max hp of your pets. You don't start seeing level increases until the Servant of xxx line on the elemental staffs and even that isn't on every pet only some.

    Xyroff-cazic. likes this.
  3. Zinkeh Augur

    They definitely changed the level of the pet on p99, so that may be where I'm getting that from. I'm pretty sure the stein/broom etc did increase the dmg on the pets... it was the whole point of getting them. The water staff also did but that was a different focus effect.

    That change you linked must be where things changed. Bleh. Appreciate the link though, thanks =)
    Tweakfour17 likes this.
  4. Elemtal Lorekeeper

    Ok so every single other mage focus items or any pet specific focus items increase the level of the pet excluding the temple quests and the staff of elemental masteries. I mean think about it for a second. What pet focus in eq history currently doesn't improve their pets level?
  5. error Augur

    Probably about half of them don't increase the pet's level? Even if the level doesn't increase they still receive higher HP, AC, damage, and later on better cloaks with higher heroic stats and melee damage mitigation.