Solteris Event #3

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Rainbowdash, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Vaeeldar Augur

    Hiladdar Is right that multiple classes can do it. I actually cleared Solt on Sunday with my box team and I was using a mage pet to whittle them down faster. That said even running sk and necro ae bombs the entire fight it still took 30 minutes. So the event is long and painful and there is no way in hell a necro is soloing this fight in 20 minutes. Given the thread recently I took a timer and using all the bombs on necro and SK it still took me 30 minutes.

    Right now I’d say it’s not broken as I was using my pet to speed things along also. That said another expansion with level increase and new items and it very well may become broken.
    Funk likes this.
  2. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

  3. Makinn New Member

    Bumping this thread. Can someone take a look at this event and make some adjustments so it can be done without a necro. At least make it so the fail mechanic counts if you kill the uncontrollable.
    Faana likes this.
  4. Triconix Augur

    In a time where people complain about the game being easy and having too many hand outs, a thread is made that complains because something....isn't giving out hand outs. :rolleyes:

    But seriously, no resurrecting old threads. K? Thanks.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  5. Aurmoon Augur

    Beat Solteris with a 95 SK/Mage/Shaman. Mage pet did 100% of the dmg. SK tanked the mobs. Shammy healed. No issues, but took slightly over an hour. I will never go back.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  6. Orbital101 Augur

    I dont have a necro and win 90% of the time... only time I up is when I try to speed it up which I learned my lesson enough time to take it slow. I boxed Solteris for almost 4-5 months straight to get all that I wanted for me and alts. I wont hide that im quite happy to be done.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Funk like this.
  7. SoroxDrinal Elder

    Monk here. I've done this event many times. I usually fail 1 to 3 times before getting through it as I rarely farm Solteris (maybe 4x a year).

    If you can dual wield, use an offhand weapon only to prevent riposte. Don't use flying kick as it can proc thunderfoot. Make an audio trigger for the mobs shielding each other.

    I am losing my eye sight staring at extended target window. This event is a pain in the a$$.
    Vexed likes this.
  8. Funk Augur

    Compared to the numerous other ways to waste time in EQ, I'd say spending 30min to an hour to get that event 3 lockout is not bad at all. The possible rewards from taking the time to beat the event is well worth an hour! Circle 3's, cool illusions...should be earned.
    Just because 105's can't plow it does not mean the event is broken. Learn the event, learn how to beat it with the characters you have. Or maybe ask friends to help!
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Faana, Nniki and Silv like this.
  10. Silv Augur

    Most of the other things I do in EQ, I don't consider a waste of time; I consider them fun and entertaining. Solteris 3 is not that. Letting mobs beat themselves to death slowly with damage shields or Necro bombs for an hour is definitely a waste of time and there is no sense of challenge or achievement associated with it.

    However, props to whatever dev made that event... a couple more level increases and it might be one of the hardest raids in the game :p
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  11. Funk Augur

    It's just a difference in terms, I say wasting time because I play EQ when I have time to waste. I certainly find entertainment in it otherwise I wouldn't play.
    And to touch on the "no sense of challenge or achievement" it's a level 75 expansion. People going back to get a unique item from a level 75 raid with a 105 want a challenge? It's not about challenge here it's about the Circle 3 clicky, or the illusion, you aren't going to challenge yourself or your group.
    It just so happens this particular raid has a mechanic that is not high level friendly.....but CAN be beaten if you hunker down for an hour!

    I stand by my original point, 1 hour of time to beat an event that gives you a lockout thus opening the events you want for your item. Sounds like a fair trade to me.:)
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Why should a level 75 event take an hour to beat just because we are now level 105?
    Gyurika Godofwar and Stickietoes like this.
  13. Funk Augur

    There is no "why", it's the mechanics of the event. An event tuned for a level 75 raid, do you actually think the dev's factored in that years down the road 105's would be trying to farm this? Come on man lol....Event 3 wasn't even the hump in Solteris! Event 2 was!

    If you want an illusion or circle 3 click from there, just deal with it.
    It's funny people don't harp over spending 20 hours camping an aug in TBM when the named hardly spawns and won't drop the darn thing. But having to spend a hour on an old event....this is OUTRAGEOUS!
    Knight-errant likes this.
  14. Stickietoes Augur

    I really don't think you understand this, so I'm not even going to explain it.

    and really, you think Solt 2 is the hardest of all? w'evs.
    Iila and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  15. Silv Augur

    I was thinking this same thing lol

    Wasn't Event 1 the DPS check that stalled out a ton of mid tier raiding guilds in Solt?
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  16. Funk Augur

    Ok buddy, nice try to derail the subject of the thread.
    I will only say I have the Daybringer title from beating the expansion first on our server. and yes event 2 was our hump and the hump for many.
    Next time try to stay on course and add something constructive to the thread, thanks.
  17. menown Augur

    Anyone try the new Necro Aura on this event? If it works, it might speed up this event by a lot.
  18. Silv Augur

    Oooooo. Good idea. I might actually have to go try that out now lol
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  19. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Both 1 and 2 were dps checks, which when coupled with horrid drop rates on TSS weapons from FC/AG, did stall a lot of guilds.

    2 was a lot harder than 1 though because in addition to the dps check there was also a pretty rough cc/kite check. After those two most events were cake until you got to 6/7.

    Note: I have the Daybringer title as well. But there's only one guy that matters on the subject. I forget what server he was on, but there was literally a guy whose toon was named Daybringer. After his guild beat the zone first, this guy rolled around with Daybringer Daybringer Daybringer of the Daybringers as his toon name. Truly a great dude, whoever he was!
  20. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The only reason it is harder at level 105 is because of flaws in the mechanics and improved player damage is a bad thing. As a rule over time events should become easier as this allows for more people to see the event then could see it when it was current content. It is not a good thing for people not to be able to experience parts of the game because it has issues because of current power levels.

    Not everyone has the tools needed to complete this event and having to bring a necromancer to have the best chance of beating this is a big problem.
    roguerunner and Iila like this.