Sol'Dal fire mitigation

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Feradach, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. Feradach Augur

    Is it just me, or are the mobs in Argin-Hiz mitigating fire DD spells? I didn't notice this in beta, but I really wasn't paying close attention. It would make sense if they are, so this isn't a complaint by any means. Just looking for a sanity check.
  2. onyuyan Augur

    I noticed this too, even with Wind of Malo on (highest Malo debuff mages have). However, I haven't been looking closely enough to see if it's only fire spells or spells in general.

    One person I asked said he was seeing about equal resists across the board, so I'm not 100% sure.
  3. Feradach Augur

    Resists aside, it just seems like they're mitigating fire nukes by around 50%. My mage hasn't seen a crit above 65k yet anyway.
  4. Cicelee Augur

    Iron bolt FTW
    Feradach likes this.
  5. onyuyan Augur

    I was seeing the same ~210k crit with IoG running with my spear in the HA, but I haven't spent enough time in the static zone to comment on mitigation there.
    Feradach likes this.
  6. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    It's more than just fire. They resist magic and cold higher than normal as well. Fire is certainly the worst though, but that's not surprising...they're Fire Elves after all.
  7. Zellic Elder

    Interesting. I noticed doing very low DPS last night. Can one of the pros recommend a good semi-sustainable cold weave? I don't main wizard so I'm not super familiar with things outside normal operation.

    Edit: Cold/Magic would work I suppose.
  8. Brohg Augur

    Easy enough, the fire spells besides Ethereal Weave have direct cold parallels. CloudburstThunderbolt-ClawoftheIcewing-EtherealHoarfrost while you have mana, then Claw-Wildether-HoarfrostCascade. If you typically do safe pulls of 1-2 mobs, Tamagrist Torrent can get in there, too.

    If you don't have someone Malo-ing for you, get in there with a Permeating Ice to lead off. The debuff it leaves behind will help the rest. Also Cryomancy AA debuffs cold resist. They add to the Lower Element AA for -150