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So....... new bags?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lamberduim, Apr 9, 2022.

  1. Lamberduim Elder

    So we gonna get some new bags to buy Daybreak?
    Also am I the only one thats gonna be playing Yelinak?
  2. PotatoPowa Elder

    I'll be on Yelinak. You and me can form a 2-man guild & be boss of the server.
    Herf likes this.
  3. Nighthawk Lorekeeper

    The answer to both is likely 'Yes'.
  4. **Dragonslayer** Lorekeeper

    i hope so, i never can have enough it seems
  5. Noobnoob Journeyman

    I think you'll be surprised how many people will be on Yelinak. I know me and my friends will be starting there. Most likely Paladin, Monk, and Cleric.
    Dragon Jockey likes this.
  6. Zrender Augur

    Probably playing Vaniki but yeah.. New bags again.. Ya know, I'd probably pay $50+ for a big bag that I can pack up and return to claim to then /claim on a new server.
  7. wildone Elder

    yelinak for sure.
  8. Trox2010 Augur

    The new bags will probably be released the week before so they can cash in the stragglers that may have missed last round of bags and do may pick them up to use on this new round of TLPs.
  9. Brunlin Augur

    They usually drop the new bags the week before. We have 7 weeks though, so it maybe a little bit before they change the bags out.
  10. Bhane Veteran N00b

    Works perfectly for me to get the current and new in time for launch without tanking spouse faction on "bags? Roll a halfer and tailor some ya lazy git"
  11. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    I said it before, and I will say it again. They need to remove the LORE tag from the bags you can buy from the website, so we can buy as many as we want. If they want to drive sales for their annual bag bundles, they can keep the current year as LORE, and the next year add them for single purchase, with no limit to how many we can buy per account.
  12. Tevez Augur

  13. Ariana Augur

    Yes. Keep in mind that the pack repeated between 20 and 35 is lore. Have made that mistake in the past.
  14. Tevez Augur

    So on one character if you wanted two 40 slots you would need to get the Roguish Rucksack and the Shenanigans Satchel right?

    Also I'm guessing these are only claimable once right? Cant claim them on multiple characters and/or on different servers (they're heirloom though so you can trade them between characters on the same server)?
  15. Ariana Augur

    You can buy each of the 20 and 35 once per account and claim once per account. Buying the 35 gets you both bags. If you did buy the 20 as well you could still claim the duplicate bag if you put the already claimed one in shared bank to counteract the lore tag on it. You can trade them between characters on the same account on a server, but not between servers. I have heard anecdotally that people have made deals with gms in the past to delete characters on previous server to have them moved to new server, but not recently and I wouldn't count on that.
  16. Herf Augur

    Bag me hard, wide, and deep.
    PotatoPowa likes this.
  17. Tevez Augur

    Ah thanks for clearing things up. I didn't see that you get the Roguish pack items with the Shenanigans pack.

    So do these types of bags come out before every TLP then, and thus people buy new bags each server?
  18. Ariana Augur

    Yeah, they usually get recycled to a new set every year just before tlp release. Depending on how much you want to invest you can buy the current set and wait to claim, then buy the second set on the same account when they come out for a total of 4 40 slots on the new server. It's a fairly safe bet that there will be a new set, it's part of the monetization of the tlp model, but they'll probably announce it before they retire the current ones so there's time to wait.
  19. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    I had that done, though no "deal" was made. I put forth the argument that I had just dropped money on all the available bags, plus a one year sub, only to not be able to log on to Aradune. I didn't demand, but I did ask, for the bags to be moved. That's not exactly how it worked out though. IIRC, they had me put the bags in my shared bank, then delete the character that had claimed them. Once that was done, the removed the bags and I guess reset the flag showing I had claimed them, and made them available to be claimed once again.

    Sadly. my MS took a very serious turn, and I wasn't able to play, so all that money, and effort on the part of the GM that assisted me, was for nothing. This is why I am pushing for the LORE tag to be removed, as well as thew limit to one purchase per account.
  20. Captain Video Augur

    I'm sorry about your medical situation, but pleading that as your justification seriously undermines your argument.

    The bag limit has been argued repeatedly over the last several years. There's even been an argument over why a Classic start only gives you six bag slots and not 10 as is current on Live. The counter-argument has always been that unlimited bags in the marketplace looks too much like P2W, and so would damage the brand. (And yes, I get the counter-counter argument that Krono is itself P2W.) But a line has to be drawn somewhere between the revenue stream and the need to keep the P2W perception at least somewhat in check.

    The limit isn't strictly one bag purchase per account, either. New bag offers occur once per season coinciding with the TLP launches. If you time it right, you can buy both last year's bag and this year's bag and claim them both on a new server; I think you already get that part. There are other bag options in-game. Many veteran players can claim a 16-slot 100% WR bag from prior expansion purchases. At DoN, you can get a free 16-slot bag from the tutorial giver in PoK. Other good bags exist as drops or quest rewards, and still others can be crafted once the TS'ers are up to speed. Bag space isn't the show-stopper restriction you seem to think it is. We haven't even mentioned the word mule yet.

    Planning to build up your inventory space has always been an integral part of the early game.