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So how's this for a real mischief idea

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lamberduim, May 9, 2021.

  1. Lamberduim Elder

    So this server has free trade and random loot. I like the newness and I'm excited to try this new server, but if you really wanna try a crazy random idea..... How about when you create a character, you can pick the name and gender.

    But the race and class are completely random, and deleting characters isn't allowed, or you can only create 1 new character every few days to keep people from delete creating till they get what they want.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Sounds like a horrible idea as you would get many people unable to play the class they want to and they would just not play.
    modsiw likes this.
  3. Febb Augur

    Ya, that's a terrible idea.
    modsiw likes this.
  4. WokeCat Augur

    I’m in the minority of people who think this would be really fun... if people actually played their characters. I feel like a lot of people would rage quit instantly upon discovering that their first character is a gnome rogue, or erudite cleric.

    Ya know the random character thing is stupid popular in League of Legends and Overwatch for a reason...
  5. Yogi the Bear I have flea's

    First off gnome would rule. Second friends don't let friends roll rouge's.
  6. Kylo Classic Augur

    Original FV was 1 char only.
  7. Bardy McFly Augur

    They already have enough problems trying to keep the game stable without adding all this extra new code.

    People will get a bad roll of the dice and just not even play that account and go to a different server.

    Just no.
  8. Hythos Augur

    Nah, 100% random name, race, class.
    Join server: here you go, this is your character.
    Hit L50 & unlock CharacterSlot #2. Some will hit that mark faster than others, sure.

    I know it won't happen, but it could be an interesting condition, for a time.

    Also, I had no idea FV was 1 character only... SWG (may it brilliantly live on in Emulation) had the single-character restriction (not including FSCS), and it worked well - largely because of the sandbox skill-system.
  9. Xhieron Elder

    Calling it now: Random character server is the next event server. Get rewards based on what you managed to accomplish with your one random character before the server ends. It'll be a disaster.
  10. Nolrog Augur

    Just as stupid as it was in the other thread.

    All that does is have people sit at character creation rolling and re-rolling until they get what they want.