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So how will loot work exactly?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by c313, May 12, 2021.

  1. c313 Augur

    Is there a post detailing it all?
    My main question is how exactly is the loot table determined. Will EVERY Rare/Named NPC have a chance to drop, say, a FBSS? Or only Rares/Nameds in the same level range as Frenzy? Does this only work for Group nameds or will Raid/Group targets share their pool between eachother
  2. Lejaun Augur

    My understanding, without going back through the actual official information, is as follows. Please feel to correct me anyone if I give incorrect information.

    The random loot will be only on rare mobs. Not all named are "rare".

    The loot will be split between raid and non-raid loot. Non-raid rares won't drop raid loot.

    The loot tables will only be from the same mobs in type category (non or raid) and in the same level range (exact range not announced). So for example, Naggy can drop Vox loot, as they are both raids and both about the same level. The Ghoul Lord will not drop Vox loot, as it is not the same level range or raid/non-raid category.

    I haven't seen anything that says that the loot is completely randomized, or if it has a chance to drop anything its eligible for but prioritizes its normal loot, or what.
  3. FranktheBank Augur

    1) It says level range in the ruleset.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    There is an important part being missed
    1. Loot is randomized within an expansion
    2. Loot is randomized for rare mobs and raid mobs and they stay separate
    3. Loot is randomized by a level range but we have no indication on what exactly that means yet.

    This is what was posted in the announcement thread about it.
  5. TLP Addict Augur

    Paraphrasing Dreamweaver...

    Accipiter and Skuz like this.
  6. WokeCat Augur

    i wonder how random it truly is..

    like who is going to go camp hard mobs like ghoul lord or frenzied if the loot is random and you have a better chance getting an fbss or ssoy off of kobold nobles or ghoul supplier
  7. Elabone Augur

    I think most people are thinking that the rare mobs loot tables will fall into 1 of 2 different possibilities.

    Flat level ranges... 10-14, 15-19, 20-24 etc. All named mobs within this level range will share loot.

    Or, each named with share loot with every other named in a + - range. Say + - 2 levels. So a level 23 would share with mobs between 21-25.

    Obviously these are just guesses and we won't know for sure until day 1 of the server.
  8. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    So Permafrost will see some action, as many nameds are quite close together - and might drop gear from other named in that level range elsewhere? Neat!
  9. Insanoflex New Member

    With randomized loot, it would be nice to balance out the zems a bit. It would be nice to see some obscure zones with decent populations.
  10. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Not long to go now :)
  11. Accipiter Old Timer

    I love permafrost but some named (Preacher for sure) are significantly more difficult than the PH and the mobs in that area. Doesn't help that the Preacher is a cleric.
  12. Smakk Journeyman

    I think the way it will work is lets say you have something that drops off a level 70 raid mob, like a SoD (https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=6090).

    So any level 70 raid mob in SoV will be able to drop it? Maybe? We will find out more in about a month methinks...

  13. Zansobar Augur

    Also a point of clarity here - it isn't Named mobs...it's Rare mobs. Some mobs with a unique name are not flagged as Rare mobs. You can tell if it's a rare mob or not because when you click on it the con message will say something like "this is a rare creature".
  14. Zansobar Augur

    I think it will be raid mini-bosses and bosses only, not raid trash mobs that have randomized loot. Probably the mobs that have MoTM on them or say "it would take an army to defeat this creature" in the con message. Or maybe it is all mobs in a raid zone, but I doubt it.
  15. radclifc Journeyman

    If this server allows me to have my little camp in some corner of EQ, and read a book between kills to med on like a or shaman or wizard or something, and have a chance at a wide loot table to bring to market to sell or trade I may very well come back for a long while.

    I really hope its a very loose loot table, with a very small percent chance of most all loot on regular mobs, a higher chance of any loot of similar level on named mobs, and then raid trash all connected, and raid bosses all connected.

    If current EQ trash mobs have a chance of dropping high raid tier equivalent drops very rarely, I hope its kind of like this across all of EQ. I want a reason to say, hunt in Odus, warrens, Stonebrunt, Kerra Island, all of LoY or camp the clockwork in steamfont or kill camp guards or do faction grinding and have a chance at something significant to trade or use.

    Super excited to see how this all works.
  16. radclifc Journeyman

    I get really comfy in a corner of EQ and really get attached to a zone but get sad when there's no reason to be there loot wise. I don't care if I get less xp. Just some reason to sit in a zone that usually would be avoided. Enjoy the landscape, music, let my fantasy mind go wild why I might be there fighting random stuff in like Katta or Sanctus Seru. I cant wait for Luclin and its weird loot tables and some AA grinding.
  17. Roean Journeyman

    Didn't they already do this a while ago for classic and kunark zones, flattening the zems so they're all pretty much the same? I remember it leading to significantly less exp in more popular zones with not much of a boost in less popular ones.