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Size reduction items (claim/store) for early TLP?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Celestian, May 4, 2021.

  1. Celestian Elder

    Are there any /claim or store item that can be used on TLP to shrink/shape change into something else? I'm thinking about playing a ogre and remember the difficulty of getting in/out of some areas like LGUK and other places.

    (specifically a new tlp, upcoming mischief)

    I am aware of in-game items like guise of the deceiver... looking for something easier to get for use during the leveling process.
  2. Berg New Member

    Ant's Potion is an alchemy crafted potion with a trivial of 70. It shouldn't be particularly long until you can just buy those potions in the EC Tunnel or, if you leveled your own shaman, make them yourself.
  3. Zinth Augur

    and if you are a cheapscate... farm the one in luclin... don't recall if there are any earlier than that? but ant's potion isn't that expensive and shammy just need to be lvl 26 or so to make them (raise the alchemy skill obviously)
  4. Celestian Elder

    I appreciate the details on in-game items but I was hoping there was something I could use out of the gate from /claim or store ;(
  5. Zinth Augur

    no... make a small race or make a shaman if you want to be small... other than exp potions you can't really pay to win much on the store on TLP
  6. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    There's usually a few illusions you can buy either directly from the marketplace at launch or via Heritage Crates. This year's heritage crate which will likely go live at or around Mischief's launch is Halfling themed with the halfling guard as an illusion you can win. Note: the crates are very RNG heavy.
    Tweakfour17 likes this.
  7. Erebor New Member

    The current premium COV expansion has a claimable othmir visage illusion that is claimable on TLP servers (once per account). Lot of money to look like an othmir though :)
  8. Roean Journeyman

    Pretty much any of the illusion items you can get on the store at launch will work for making you smaller.
  9. Celestian Elder

    And they will work on a TLP on launch day?
  10. SoandsoForumUser Augur

    The froglok phantom illusion is also hours long levitation buff, not sure if there's an expansion restriction on it as far as TLPs go. Do be aware though that I think most illusions remove your ogre stun immunity which is the point of being an ogre.
  11. RhekEQ New Member

    The marketplace definitely won't have the levitate clickie illusions on launch day, but I'm pretty sure there will be few other illusions to chose from. As mentioned above, the heritage crate will have an illusion in it if you want to gamble on getting it or buy it from someone who got lucky.

    No, you don't lose stun immunity while in an Illusion, but you will lose the ability to Slam.

    Honestly tho, the number of times you actually need to duck around as an ogre is so rare, just suck it up and play as a big boi for a couple of days then snag some shrink pots or the DE mask
  12. Roean Journeyman

    Yes. None of them are smaller than a human model but it's better than nothing.