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Since you made riposte worthless, let us turn it off.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Dewey, Sep 21, 2019.

  1. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Which ones? (This is still moot because you aren't tanking though...)
  2. Sithsonn Elder

    please stop right there
    Duder likes this.
  3. skabe Elder

    GMM Museum. To avoid getting knocked flying you want to position yourself with a wall at your back. First current event that comes to mind where a rogue would have reason to be attacking from the front.
  4. Natal Augur

    You don't riposte special attacks, so the mobs riposte can't be riposted (this is why warrior furious is NOT a safe way to engage raid bosses - furious is a 10000% chance to riposte, but mob ripostes and other special attacks WILL get through). Riposte works on mobs hitting (or missing) you through regular melee. Now you no longer riposte on a miss. Since the raid boss is never hitting you with regular melee unless you are a tank, you are not going to be riposting at all.

    The mob on the other hand does riposte on your swings. This is the MOBs riposte, not yours. The change in fact reduces the damage you take when facing the front of the raid mob, but otherwise as a rogue your dps should not change (since you are not riposting anyway).

    What raids are you referring too? I am not aware of any like that.
  5. Natal Augur

    Our melee don't do that. You will be taking less damage overall and presenting a lower healing burden by attacking from the side or rear. Unless you are literally in the corner you are going to get blasted around anyway.
  6. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Tank the mob with his back facing the corner. Everyone else sits in the corner. Next?
    Thancra likes this.
  7. skabe Elder

    So Tank gets knocked across room and entire raid force has to chase it down or wait for tank to get it back in position? Zero gain. My intent was to use it as an example of where a rogue might want to be attacking from the front. Depending on your guild strategy for the event.
    Yes if all melee pile into corner and tank pulls it and tanks it facing the corner there is a slight loss in melee dps but not as much as from being knocked all over the place. As far as healing goes IF shaman are using rains that negates the added damage and then some. Also people getting knocked flying are tossed out of range of group and AE heals placing a greater burden on group healers.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  8. Drpeppa Journeyman

    This is not a tactically sound strat.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  9. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Sure it is. It works perfectly fine. But /shrug
  10. Fian Augur

    As others have said, we already have this via the bandolier. You have a hotkey to switch between normal weapon and no damage weapon. If you have time to click that hotkey, you have time to click your new /riposte off hotkey too. I don't see any reason why Dev's should put in effort to add coding for /riposte off.
  11. Dewey Augur

    What about those times where you only want to damage 1 mob. However; you want to leave the other mobs attacking you undamaged. /riposte off would be a solution to this situation.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  12. Drpeppa Journeyman

    This guys digging deep.

    Reaching for any thing.

    Anything at all.

    Sadly it's a fail.
    DaciksBB and Duder like this.
  13. Funky Augur

    can you please give an example of when this was/is the situation??
  14. Dewey Augur

    Not every mob in the "raid" is a "raid mob" There are adds and such that go into raid dps. For instance; effortless spawns 3 mobs. The tank is on the opposite side, the adds spawn. Now you switch off and don't have a backside because another tank picks it up, but he's on the same side as you. You don't switch sides to dps it.Therefore; this cuts your dps.

    The same is with the frog adds in Plane of Fire. The frog is tanked where it pops. I don't suggest people to go into the generals ae ramp range just to get a backside to the mob. At that point your just wasting your healers mana for damage they could be doing.

    Now you say that you can't riposte riposte. The question is can you riposte a miss from a wild ramp? I simply don't know the answer, and figure you'll all be more than willing to share that and save me from googling.

    There are adds on raids, the adds don't have the same restrictions as raid bosses. These adds we don't always get the backside to due to mechanics.

    I am not okay with any loss of dps. What loss of dps are you okay with?
  15. Dewey Augur

    I do this in situations for faction. Where I need to kill a mob, but I don't want to kill all the mobs around. So I spend time positioning mobs to hit me in the back and such and only put the other mob in front. Or I tank all the mobs with doing no damage whatsoever and bring another toon in to damage the one I want.

    I do this when balancing old raid mobs. When doing the everfrost raid is the first one that comes to mind. Instead of tanking it on my warrior, I tank it on the druid. So that I can control the damage and get them low; then use low level weapons to dps them and kill them at the same time.

    When I do performers in DoDh, I normally have the performer beating on me. The last thing I want to do is dps him. However; I've had to reset the event because of riposte. There are others, mostly old raids, but the feature would be appreciated.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  16. Dagum Elder

    I don't ae agro mobs that need to get mezzed. For instance; if tanking and the chanters say, "Don't damage X mob" Then I don't even taunt that mob because I will riposte and hit it if it hits me. If the chanters don't want it damaged, then I'm going to leave it to beat on whoever it spawns on. I could taunt, I could put on non-damage weapons. However; as of right now I just let that person deal with it until it gets mezzed.

    With riposte off, I'd taunt more to get it off of people.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  17. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Again, you're not the tank. You aren't losing any DPS. As for Effortless, we don't kill the adds. Just burn him down and off tank the adds. They despawn when he dies. As others have said, you're making a mountain out of a molehill here.
  18. Dagum Elder

    Your guild strat and my guild strat... 2 different strats. BOTH work, not everyone has to do it your way. I just gave one example. There are more. I don't want to lose DPS. You do, I don't understand why you do, but you do.

    The repoiste change was stupid. I totally agree with this guy. We should be able to turn Riposte off. Half the time I'd probably leave it off. I am a tank and I see benefit to hitting 1 mob and not hitting the other mobs with riposte.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  19. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    I didn't say you had to. And I'm also saying you AREN'T losing DPS for crying out loud. Have you even parsed it? You aren't the TANK. They're losing a little DPS but a Rogue is not. But hey, keep on crusading.
    Ibudin likes this.
  20. Funky Augur

    this i dont understand..... you dont have any non-damage AE aggro ability? why wouldn't you AE aggro mobs (mez or not)... the fact of saying your just going to let a mob beat on someone else until a chanter/bard can get something mezzed is just absurd and bad tanking practices... i imagine the healer doesn't like that either if you're playing with a real healer.