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Should we normalize exp further?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Montag, May 22, 2021.

  1. Montag Augur

    So many zones go to waste cause the exp just sucks.

    With the mischief ruleset better exp for outdoor zones and lesser used dungeons could really breath some life into the game.

    In the early days there was a lot of exp’ing outdoors and people in even dungeon, now it’s just a huge waste of time going any way other than the optimal route.

    Replaying the early expacs would be a lot more compelling if zones like south katana, and dreadlands were viable exp zones again.

    Also, soloing sucks now too and that’s really sad. Tweaking the exp cap per kill might help with that.
  2. Wtfagain Elder

  3. Montag Augur

  4. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    EQLive Forums 101 - Don't Feed The Trolls
  5. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Open World 100%
    Easy to escape Dungeon 105-120%
    Hard to escape Dungeon 125-150%

    Dungeons that are close to a port-in location (wiz/dru) or hub-location (pok book/nexus spire) at the lower end of the scale

    Dungeons that are farthest from these at the top end of the scale.

    That way difficult & far out of the way locations are more rewarding than easy to reach easy to escape places.
    Mob Density, Risk, Time to Kill should also be weighted into that.
    BreakmanDX likes this.
  6. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    While those are all great suggestions Skuz, that would take time and money to implement. They won't start a TLP with all Live race/class combos on day one, not because they can't, but because they don't want to spend the money to have somebody do it. I'm willing to bet people would play berserkers on day one, even if they knew they couldn't get their epic until GoD.
    Skuz likes this.
  7. Montag Augur

    How could it take more than a few hours? Go into wherever the ZEMs are and type in numbers closer to what the current highest numbers are? That’d take what 30 minutes?

    don’t overthink it, just raise all of them to what say griegs end has.
  8. Pikallo Augur

    I'm not a programmer or anything so I honestly don't know how difficult it may be, but I highly doubt there is an excel spreadsheet with a Column A with all the zones and a Column B with all the ZEMs that they just need to edit...
  9. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

  10. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    I too am an armchair dev. But I don't have unrealistic expectations, after doing this for 20 years.
  11. Roean Journeyman

    It would be nice if there were hot zones for TLPs that were just ZEM bonuses for under-utilized areas. I'm not sure any amount of exp would get people to level in Kedge, though.
    BreakmanDX likes this.
  12. Mattling Elder

    Leveling in this game so trivial that people just have to find a way to get over their need for hyper-efficiency.

    I soloed a warrior from 1 to 65 on Agnarr, it took 2 months. Now the exp rates are even better. If you were a bad box duo, like pally and rogue, and leveled exclusively in dead zones like Perma,.you would still to get to 50 in under a month. Does it really need to be faster than that?
  13. Arclyte Augur

    I love the people that claim "it would take too much time/money" to change an XP modifier in some text file
  14. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    With 21 years of spaghetti code mixed with legacy code, just changing one line of text could have disastrous effect.
  15. samenye Lorekeeper

    A random ZEM boost might work without doing all the analysis. Like Franklin Teek, only totally random. Would be funny to see 24 picks in Dalnir because it's +250% this weekend.
  16. Gnothappening Augur

    Personally I think all zones should have the exact same ZEM.
  17. Nebby Lorekeeper

    From what I understand its database style. Xp was created by the zone designer at the time of creation.
  18. samenye Lorekeeper

    They used to try and carefully craft it under "The Vision" - risk vs reward. But it was a mess from the start, of course. Itemisation, bad pathing, remote locations, lazy players - all caused many great dungeons to get overlooked. Now years of accumulated ignorance has only made those places even less appealing.

    Back when the servers were super-overcrowded, these places still saw some action, of course. I spent many happy hours killing filthy leezards in old CT, which had actual camps back then (and hilariously bad trains).

    High elf enchanter who conned amiable...in high elf form...to the ogres thanks to overdoing the stein quest - so it was home turf for me.
  19. Lifetap Augur

    Instead of ZEM, I'd like to see a new experience modifier based on time since last kill.

    For example, the current xp formula remains mostly in place but the final value is reduced to about 1/5th. a mob previously worth 1000xp would be worth 200xp initially.
    A new 'time since last xp gain' multiplier is then added.
    This would discourage AOE groups from pulling 200+ mobs for example while also not penalizing slower more methodical groups or even casual groups.

    Killing stuff in instant succession would result in 200 + 200 + 200 + 200 while a group that kills one at a time might receive 1000 + 1000 + 1000 + 1000

    Another benefit is that spells would not need to be nerfed so that classes can remain as powerful for clutch situations(aoe stuns for example)

    Min/maxing would not be a clear benefit so groups would be less incentivized to stack overtuned classes at the expense of undertuned classes.

    There could even be a bonus multiplier for if xp hasn't occured in 30 minutes you might get double xp on your next kill

    The charging time for this time based multiplier may be something like 30 seconds or 1 minute

    Edit: while writing this up, I realized this would hurt quad kiting and that's not something I see as needing a penalty. It would also hurt a group that manages to kill multiple mobs in camp at around the same time(split dps).
    So, to combat this, I'd say the time based multiplier would effect the next X xp gains(4 for example for quad kiting)
  20. WokeCat Augur

    On Aradune I don't like how Paludal Caverns feels mandatory. Would be fun to level in the Sarnak Fort or Runnyeye for a change.