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Should just Merge all live non-ruleset server's.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kcooler, Sep 6, 2017.

  1. High Voltage Augur

    I always wonder what makes poeple think they are allowed to speak up for every single player of a server? Maybe some kind of god complex? Alternate reality?
    Jumbur likes this.
  2. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Tbh, as an AB-player Im holding out for a fix rather than a merger. I just hope we see some improvements soon...:oops:
  3. MyShadower All-natural Intelligence

    Maybe AB could have Zek's hardware since they aren't using it.
    Kajira and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  4. Fooba Augur

    Server transfer moneh. Thread over.
  5. Maedhros High King

    If you dont understand the difference between staying on an "unplayable" server and individually moving as a community to a different playable server, thats your issue.
    Ever heard of guild motd? "Guild message of the day - hey all you casual people or people that had taken an mia, or who had their heads in the sand, we all took the free transfer to Vox, Come on over when youre ready!"
    Your house goes with you, youre just going to have to buy a new plot and spend 2 minutes in Sunrise hills.
    Tunare forbid, you guys might actually have to put some work into it instead of simply logging into a server that was merged for you!
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  6. Kcooler Lorekeeper

    I agree Doomcaster. I feel alot of the people on this game got so use to boxing.. Myself included that they enjoy having no one around, but if i wanted to play a single player game i would. To many old school players that are scared of change, and to clarify i have 105's on 4 servers. im not just some returning level 15 player. Yes i missed the expansion launch, but those are management, and poor server issues.. If they were to merge it would be dumb not to get new updated hardware which would be beneficial in the future. (I know this may be new to some you older players but go search reddit sometime look at how many people left eq after a week because there is no community) Just because your guild groups, even though im pretty sure 1 or 2 players is a box in MOST those groups. Doesn't mean it populated). Agnarr has more people then live combined, and they only had issues the first few days, which was quickly resolved.. Yes i was there.

    Also your toons don't get deleted if they merge, and if you're worried about raiding with different server guilds, why would that change? Now theyre on the same server? lol. unless you're being shady and trying to hide.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  7. MyShadower All-natural Intelligence

    This makes me laugh, a lot. While you may be referring to server downtime specifically, that server has much deeper issues than that and it has a lot to do with how many people are on it.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  8. Kcooler Lorekeeper

    If you're talking about the people camping mobs, and swapping pick's - That's because everything is tradeable, and worth camping.. Live content there is no items worth camping to sell besides chase items, and any mob can drop them in any pick?

    There are also no contested raid bosses anymore in newer content.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  9. Albumin_X New Member

    While I certainly think that merging all servers is kind of ridiculous, I do think it may be time for a couple merges - and that's just based on the last couple of years. Sometimes I wonder if DBG is hesitant to merge servers because it gives off the impression that the game is doing worse. But the reality is that there's only a set number of people playing here, and if a couple server merges could make the game more enjoyable, it'd likely keep the folks still playing here instead of leaving. We need to factor in the massive amount of content this game has. With the amount of expansions it's had, the game spreads people pretty thin.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  10. Intenso Augur

    mega server! but yea they cant even fix what they have just now
  11. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    I wonder how this "gem" of insight has escaped my attention until now!

    In your own limited grasp of reality, you even omit things like boxes, shared bank slots, tradeskill mules and so much more that "your model" of a player's "reality" is simply not even touched enough to consider most of what you write worth reading.
    There's a lot more to consider in orde rto faciliate a "clean" move, where you have your whole environment in the new place than you make it sound - typical omission by ignorance.

    Most obviously though (and not a small "contra" either) is the cost of returning if we were to take their offer.
    The "free" move is one-way only.
    Would you, the player, really leave your mom+dad, your spouse and kids and friends behind merely to live in the "land of milk and honey" - alone, indefinitely?
    I doubt that.
    Even sailors, soldiers and other people with similar "away from the family" jobs have a set timeframe they can look forward to when they see their loved and liked ones again.
    Nothing such is to be had with the "offer" to move from AB to Vox.

    Currently, i am - like Yinla who posted in another thread - still a paying customer.
    The service i paid a long-running subscription for was to play EQ1 on Antonius Bayle.
    If i would have wished to play to play elsewhere i would have made my characters there - yes it Is as simple as that.
    And like Yinla, for me too it's either "the situation is - permanently - fixed" once the new expansion is released - or i am again a silver member.
    The only alternative for ME to remain a PAYING customer and perhaps even buy the new expansion (to raid it after all) if AB were NOT fixed by that time is if the WHOLE server (inactives too) were either moved or copied onto some working, competitive environment.

    So the possibilities (from best to "worst") are:
    1) AB is fixed, stable and lag-free at the latest by the time time the new expansion is released.
    2) AB is not fixed, but ALL of it is moved somewhere where we can raid with at least the hint of a chance to climb from being among the top20 (or top15) guilds to the top10 server-wide
    3) AB is not fixed and it's community is not moved as a whole by the time the new expansion is released either, but a definitve ETA is comminicated to us
    4) AB is not fixed and not fixed and no set ETA has been communicated by then.

    In cases 1+2 i remain a subscribed customer and play/raid on, buying the new expansion.
    In the 3rd case, pending a guild vote, i might be willing to extend my subscritopn or wait and resub after the fix, but chances are we won't buy the new expansion, skipping one year of "competition".
    If there is a god, then only he knows what will happen to the guild in that case.
    If they let it come to the 4th case though, then my status will revert to silver and i might look in from time to time (as i can not even have my trader online then) to check on status, friends and all that.

    This isn't an "ultimatum", but the choices i see for myself.
    Above all, i am unwilling to pay over 250EUR for two accounts per year as things are NOW.
    I deserve an improvement on playability at least - one way or the other.

    If they can "only" achieve that with a mass-server-merge then so be it.
    I'd prefer the "no merge" though, at least not an "all in one" at least, as this thread suggests.
    The current and possible problems i see with the current behind-the-scenes setup/issues are simply too big to advocate such a massive merger.
    For ANYone, not just AB as it is now.

    Looking at the guild-progression site though, there might be a few US-based servers that would indeed benefit massively from a smaller merger of two or three servers.
  12. p2aa Augur

    Not really. I always lol at the delusional TLP players that keep saying this, and that say also that live servers are made mostly of free to play players. All the TLP crowd is concentrated on two or three server. Hence the "illusion" that it's very crowded.
    But all the live server combined player is higher than all TLP players combined, without any doubt, and I speak of gold players.
  13. Stymie Pendragon

    If the TLP's had more people than live why on earth would they create new expansions?
  14. Kcooler Lorekeeper

    Go play on TLP and then go play on live. You can easily tell there are more active playerbase. Live may feel more populated because there is like 3 box's to every 1 player typically and usually sitting afk somewhere. - I don't understand why you people are so scared of change... It is rediculous.

    When was the last expansion that was actually thought out.. obviously its for the fast revenue for a few weeks.. for the last couple years on EQ, AND EQ2 they have just been reselling old content to players, updated graphic wise.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  15. p2aa Augur

    If you cannot grasp the concept that 12 server with a low to medium population is higher than 3 server with a medium to high population then we can do nothing for you.
    Go play on live x 12, not go play on live x 1 and compare to go play on TLP x 1.
    code-zero and Xianzu_Monk_Tunare like this.
  16. MyShadower All-natural Intelligence

    I am not sure you understand how the TLP business model works.
  17. Kcooler Lorekeeper

    Completely mindboggling how you would not want more population on your servers lol.. The few that argue it.. The low, medium, high chart is so inaccurate its hilarious. Only way to get a real gauge is to play the servers. That chart only factors how many accounts are online, and not how many are active. nor does it give numbers which means the threshold for it to say "high" could actually be a low number count. I have been playing Sony(daybreak) games for most my life. if you don't feel population is dead on live servers. Then you're delusional. - Why you wouldn't want 1 stable populated server makes no sense.(specially with /picks, now active) . Why do you need to play on 5 different servers. only explanation is you're selfish of your camps, scared of change, or box anyways so you don't care.
  18. MyShadower All-natural Intelligence

    All the TLP players on Agnarr, which has picks, the harmony and euphoria there is amazing, yeah? I'll bet the only thing that server needs for absolute perfection is more players! Sure live servers have more content, so most players will just avoid the newest content (a handful of zones). Picks do not have limits. And EverQuest players have infinite patience!
  19. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Having experienced multiple mergers, they did nothing at all to help with grouping; if anything they hurt it. Mergers kill guilds; every time that there has been a merger the total number of guilds after it is less than either server had prior. With the biggest losses being found in the low end raid and grouping/family/casual guilds. There is no change in the amount of people who are available to group with because all of the people are still grouping only with their guildies and friends in instances or doing older stuff that they can easily solo or molo. This leads to people quitting the game as they still cannot find any groups, which means less money for DBG.

    People don't want more people on the server, because it makes finding static zone mobs harder to do because now there are 2-3x more people on the server and potentially 2-3x more going after the mob you have been going after. This tends to mean that you're chances of getting the item to drop go down as you have a smaller percentage of the chances for it to drop. It isn't a matter of being selfish, it is a matter of the game not being fun when you never get a drop. Having spent months camping Raster back in the day, I am very familiar with this kind of lack of fun.

    The only delusional people are those who don't want to accept that 3/4 of the people who play this game do so in instances. As such you only see them outside of them for a few minutes at a time or when they afk for buffs in the lobby or pok.

    As for why there needs to be more than a single insanely overpopulated server; not everyone likes being on a server where you simply are more likely to not know people than know them. I would guess that there are 1-2k players on at any given time on Tunare, with the other Standard servers (excluding Vox and Trakanon) being about the same or higher. With these numbers it is common to 'run into' and chat with the same people regularly; however if you increase those numbers by 5-12x that it becomes highly unlikely that you're going to come across those same people enough to develop any kind of friendship or get to know them; unless you just /friend everyone you talk to in General.

    No one is scared of change here, we've all just experienced it enough in the past to know that most servers will not gain any benefit from more mergers.
    code-zero likes this.
  20. Zunnoab Augur

    Luclin-Stromm instances have had horrendous performance spikes lately. I could only imagine how horrid they would be with a totally merged system.