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Should I make a druid for money

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ownanat, May 11, 2022.

  1. Ownanat Journeyman

    Should I make a druid on an alt account and rush him to max close to max level? Then On my laptop I can make money selling ports. While I play my main enchanter? Or should I just enchanter and not worry to much about cash? ((DS will be nice for the first bunch of levels though I'll have a later start. I'll also have free ports for myself whenever.))
  2. weewooweewoo Journeyman

    No druids suck just do a cleric to box with your chanter and then sell rezzes in lguk for hundreds of plat each
  3. Timmyboi Dunning Kruger Award Winner

    Just monopolize epic bottlenecks for ez money
    Gnomie and HoodenShuklak like this.
  4. Ownanat Journeyman

    Will I be able to find groups easily enough? I've tried boxing before and struggled to find groups for 2, usually just room for 1 to fill. My Mage Monk struggled 2 find groups.
  5. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Clerics get groups very well in early EQ for their superior healing plus rezzes. Druids just never get groups fast in any early expansions.
  6. weewooweewoo Journeyman

    chanter/cleric doesnt need a group at all lol, but if that's what you want to do yes it's easier to get group boxing as chanter cleric vs monk mage. If nothing else just sit your cleric out of group until a spot opens then suggest adding your box.
  7. Pizzanomicon Apparently from Grobb

    Druids are fine ( pre dot rework I'd have argued they kind of blew.) Port money will be exceptional because of the longer cycles. It just depends on what you want to do. Sit AFK at castle mistmoore trying to hit the lottery, or make active money flipping krono near the tunnel, while making money off ports, to use to flip more krono.

    I doubt anyone will be AE leveling on this server, so you can make money Pl'ing too.
  8. wade_watts Augur

    Lots of folks do enchanter + cleric. I've done enchanter + druid a few times and have enjoyed it a lot more. the buffs, ports, heals, utility of the druid far outweighs the 3 times that I died because my druid couldn't heal enough. Come to think of it, being able to evac probably saved me a few times so it's even.

    Not having rez can suck but usually other clerics are around or the healer dies after the chanter anyways :)
  9. Hdizzle Augur

    The point of playing druid/enc is snare on charm pets and when its goes sideways you can wake up mez with root and resume whatever you were face rolling. Its arguable you wouldn't be maximizing the druid if you weren't charming with it as well as the enchanter with the new possible pets for a druid in the animal classification.

    Playing cleric gives you the same security for the enchanter but in a different way; stuns, leet heals, res etc.

    If you want a port bot to make money make a wizard for those sweet Classic ports to PoS and PoH. People will drop lots of plat to get up there to buy loot, join a group, etc.

    Tl;DR Make a wizard if you want a port bot machine, the planes ports are way more valuable and you don't lose all the other port stuff. Druid/Cleric are equally different and good boxes with a chanter.
  10. Meridian Augur

    Make a SK or wiz and sit on the Bergurgle camp.
  11. Trevor Augur

    didn't they make that no longer multiquest-able a year ago?
  12. Midnitewolf Augur

    I love the Druid class but the sad reality no other class loves the Druid class so maining one can be frustrating.

    As an answer to your question, that depends on your goal. One example, if what you really want to do is play an Iksar Necro because they are the hands down best Necro, then sure play a Druid for money until Kunark comes out. Another Example, you want to box. Druids make excellent boxes. They are great for Power Leveling or sitting out of group buffing and healing the party your main is grouping with.

    But as I mentioned at the top, the Druid faces so many prejudices simply because there is nothing it does singularly that another class can't do better. Every other healer is a better healer, every other DPS is a better DPS, etc. Those other classes can't do it all at the same time like a Druid can but every one of them is better at doing whatever they do than you are.
  13. Iyacc Augur

    any duo can find a group if they make it instead of waiting on someone else to need their exact weird combo :)
  14. Zansobar Augur

    Druids did get an indirect buff due to the mob type changes (more mobs for druid charm). These are the first TLP servers to launch after these changes so we will see if it makes any difference in the desirability of the druid as a group mate or not.
  15. Wordor Journeyman

    To answer OPs original question: It's only fun to port on druid box while you're raiding or doing something else on your enchanter. . What's frustrating is when people don't tip or you go out of your way for them and they tip very poorly. If you're planning on doing it purely for money, there's more efficient ways with ench clr

    You could always lvl up druid with enchanter, and lvl a cleric on same account afterwards. It's easy to lvl alts with an enchanter in the group.

    Cleric is more handy if you plan on raiding with a small man crew or doing harder content solo. Druid is fun for double charming and ease of travel via sow and ports
  16. Ownanat Journeyman

    Ehhhh I'm honestly not in the mood to box beyond casting DS and regen during the low levels. Should I just level a cleric for cash then? Or is wizard really that much better than druid for ports. I know wiz has planes ports druids don't have. But I feel like people prefer druid ports in general especially because they come with a sow.

    Also isn't wizard way harder to find a group?
  17. Thez69 Elder

    level a druid if you want but spending ur time trying to sell ports for nickles is for losers

    if anything find whatever you can forage that people will buy and just do that, at least foraging you can do afk, make the char earn the plat for you not the other way around
  18. Chikkin Augur

    Look, you don't marry for money, you marry for love!

    Like, Follow, and Subscribe for this and other advice that I tell my 17 year old!
  19. Oakenblade Former ForumQuest Champion

    Worst advice ever
    Chikkin likes this.
  20. brickz Augur

    I can't imagine anyone choosing to sell ports. For every person who sends a tell and says "feerrott please" you get 5 people who either ask you which is the closest port to xy location, ask you for a portal to a place you can't portal to, ask you if you can port and then wait for you to reply "yes" before they tell you what they want, spend 5 minutes running to your spot in the tunnel and then give you a lousy 10p etc etc

    It's like working a customer service job for free. Make a mage and farm fine steel weapons if you want a brainless way to make some plat
    Chikkin likes this.