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Should all raid DPS classes have equal raid DPS?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cicelee, Apr 21, 2022.

  1. Slasher Augur

    Glyphs disproportionately help casters over melee because of stacking restrictions on melee.
  2. Drpeppa Journeyman

    Should all dps classes push exact same dps in every setting.

    This is absolutely thee BEST way to show how the whole get a participation trophy generation thinks.

    Perfectly apt.
    Nennius likes this.
  3. Zaknaffein Augur

    Nennius likes this.
  4. Fian Augur

    Some good ideas in this thread. Instead of looking for a dps king, make dps king situational, and then make sure raid design allows each class to shine:

    Short duration single target - rogue and magician
    Long duration single target - necromancer
    Multiple mobs aka AE - berserker and wizard

    hybrid classes should have close, but not top dps, unless they are better played/geared: ranger, beastlord, enchanter, and bard.

    Frankly, I don't know where to put monks on this list. They would seem to be single target DPS. I can't really call them a hybrid. They do tank better than any other dps class other than possibly enchanter. Pulling is their key skill, but not much use in raids.

    I also liked having undead specialists that would shine on undead raids. The problem is undead tends to be underdone or overdone by expansion. Headshottable mobs would also bump up the dps of zerk, rogue, and ranger for raids that have them.
  5. Arkanny Augur

    If anything wizards should be the absolute kings of single target burst dps. Screw AE, it's just a gimmick and parse padding.
  6. Ibudin Augur

    You can't even take three of same class with same AA/Gear to come up with the similar DPS numbers. I was always miffed when people would complain how they were nerfed and go after another class how they are over powered, all the while people in their same class were out parsing them by 10's of thousands of DPS.
    Silvena and Sancus like this.