Shocked any business would choose to destroy itself.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Elysha - Ragefire, May 6, 2022.

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  1. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    They are getting suspended for automation software. Some may have both software downloaded but they know what they are doing.
  2. Feedback Journeyman

    Some people that play Everquest that only use Input Broadcasting Software are getting 7 day suspensions. These people are not doing anything else or using anything else to cause the 7 day suspension. You're unintentionally derailing what is the most important thing to happen right now. That is:

    The company needs to state whether or not Input Broadcasting Software is allowed or not. If they want to lose further business, state it's not allowed. If they want to keep players that are at their keyboards, playing the game state it is allowed. As it stands right now there is no consistent clear message from the gaming company about this topic. Therefore, players are getting suspensions by the support team that don't know whether or not it is allowed. Players on these forums are confused - some think it is allowed, others think it isn't.

    As already stated, automation software is not allowed, never has been and never will. It doesn't even need to be brought up into the conversation. I only mention it because you keep wanting to talk about it.

    As I stated I know 100% that someone only using Input Broadcasting Software, not doing anything nor using anything else will result in a 7 day suspension. There is ONLY ONE WAY I CAN KNOW THIS 100%!
  3. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    1. It's hearsay or anecdotal. "Just trust me, bro."

    2. People can have both programs on their computer. For one individual, they could be using automation software for a more simple script such as foraging or automating Bazaar prices while key broadcasting to play. Automation in any form is not allowed.

    3. Someone has previously brought up a "partial automation" argument. In other words, he purportedly plays 1 character and automates 5 others. There is some weird rationalization that this is equivalent to key broadcasting. There's also folks who say you can use a key repeater or autofire program with key broadcasting for some semblance of automation. (If true, it could explain why Daybreak won't endorse key broadcasting). I'm sure cheaters can do all the mental gymnastics to conflate automation with key broadcasting.

    The rules have been outlined. It is easy to determine what is and what is not allowed.
  4. Feedback Journeyman

    You're unintentionally derailing the subject. If the rules have been outlined for Input Broadcasting Software, please kindly provide a valid source from the gaming company. If you give me the link to a message board post by one person that works at the company buried down inside of a question, that does not qualify for a 'clear message' on the subject. That is one persons belief on what the rules state.

    Once again, We're not talking at all about automation. It's already a given that is not allowed, no need to keep bringing it up.

    We're talking about Input Broadcasting Software. There is currently not a clear consistent message from the gaming company in regards to this. In the Accendo post concerning cheating ( the Input Broadcasting Software topic is not included.
  5. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I edited my early remark to include this observation. Someone has said that key broadcasting could have a semblance of automation if skillfully combined with a key repeater, autofire, or waterbird. I'm sure there are caveats as to why Daybreak won't outright endorse key broadcasting even though it is generally accepted.

    Furthermore, key broadcasting software could be updated to a form or iteration not approved by Daybreak. This is why Daybreak does not disclose an explicit list of approved or unapproved software.
  6. Timmyboi Dunning Kruger Award Winner

    And what about clam broadcasting?
    Truetotheblue likes this.
  7. Feedback Journeyman

    I'm not talking about the specific software name. I'm talking about the subject of Input Broadcasting Software. The "someone said" - I'm not sure who you're referring to? Someone that works at the gaming company? Or someone on these forums as "hearsay"?

    Once again, we need a consistent message from the gaming company on the use of Input Broadcasting Software. If other companies can provide that message, this one can too.

    Without a consistent message concerning the use of Input Broadcasting Software, we have confusion from all points of view. The support team won't know what's valid or not "it's 3rd party" so they hand out a suspension. People on these forums won't know whether someone really only used Input Broadcasting Software or not. Some will think it's already addressed, others think it's not because the message is not clear.
  8. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    1. Buy a parrot and clam.

    2. Place clam on keyboard.

    3. Have parrot peck clam to activate key.
    Flatchy and Joules_Bianchi like this.
  9. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    It's the nature of 3rd party software.

    1. It could be re-coded to something more malicious (automation).

    2. It could be manipulated (key broadcasting combined with autofire).

    3. Software could contain malware. They don't want to be liable/culpable.

    Daybreak has long hedged on supporting any outside software but the company and the overwhelming majority players adhere to "you know it when you see it" with regard to cheating.
  10. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    How about 1) Not lie to everyone and 2) NOT continue selling crew XP boosts and vouchers and crew memebrs literally up to the hour they shut down to patch? Plus, they lost the rights because they stiffed the vendor.
  11. Feedback Journeyman

    Without a stance from the gaming company on this topic of Input Broadcasting Software, people will continue to think "it's generally accepted" or "there's a grey area" or "I don't know what it is so lump it in with 3rd party software" or "some other thing to indicate confusion".

    The gaming company needs to provide a stance on the topic of Input Broadcasting Software. That hasn't been done. Therefore there has been confusion in all areas of this subject. The end result is that the gaming company loses business as a result of a lack of clear rules.
  12. Truetotheblue Augur

    I think one thing they do need to do that IS confusing and misleading is the fact that there is still an active post from Niente about I S B being approved. I can fully understand why that leads to player confusion about these being accepted or not. That post, at minimum, needs to be removed, or at best it needs to be clearly stated that the stance on this has changed and this is no longer approved. I am not trying to debate one side or the other on this. But I can fully appreciate how someone would see that and make a decision based on that post, given it is from a developer directly.
  13. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    As I said, there are bad actors who will find ways to automate/AFK play with key broadcasting software. They could use a key repeater or autofire program in conjunction with key broadcasting to automate/AFK play.

    They are hedging.
  14. Feedback Journeyman

    Once again, I'm not referring to any specific software name. The moment software adds something that is not allowed, then it will not be allowed. That's why the topic is on Input Broadcasting Software - not the other things you're referring to.

    You're still unintentionally derailing the topic. We're not discussing automation! That's a given! It's not allowed! Any software that uses it is in violation of the rules.

    We're talking about Input Broadcasting Software and the lack of a clear message from the gaming company about this. Thereby causing issues with suspensions, issues with players on these forums and confusion as to what's going on and what's really allowed.

    The business is accidentally (not intentionally) destroying itself because of a simple lack of a clear message about Input Broadcasting Software. If you believe that the message is clear, please provide reference from the gaming company on this topic where it is posted and preferably highlighted to state the stance on Input Broadcasting Software.
  15. Feedback Journeyman

    Once again, we're not talking about that. That's a given, not allowed. Anything used in conjunction with input broadcasting software that provides automation is not allowed. For some reason you want to keep bringing up the automation subject, I'm not sure why. But it's a derailment to what's needed to address the subject of the company destroying itself.

    We need a clear message on the use of Input Broadcasting Software.
  16. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I've made my point. They need to hedge because software and tactics can evolve.

    I'm starting to wonder if you are trying to 'poison the well' by legitimizing the claim that "innocent key broadcasters" are the true victims to obfuscate discussions over automation.
  17. Feedback Journeyman

    We're discussing the company accidentally destroying itself because there is no clear message on the use of Input Broadcasting Software. You stated the rules were clear, however failed to provide any reference to a clear post by the gaming company regarding Input Broadcasting Software. It appears now that you're wanting to change the subject to why they don't include reference to it.

    We need a post preferably on the support pages that would include Input Broadcasting Software. Either state it's allowed or not. As stated, other gaming companies do include their stance on the use of it. There is no reason to not include their stance. If you believe the reason is because of modifications to the software, that's not a valid reason because disallowed features have already been addressed by existing rules.
  18. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I am convinced that you are poisoning the well by attempting to reframe the cheat debate in terms of falsely affecting key broadcasters.
    Khat_Nip likes this.
  19. Ariana Augur

    For reference, here's how clear it can and should be.

    Link redacted, wasn't aware linking to public websites could be an issue. Feel free to Google WoW multiboxing ToS for context.
    Feedback and MacDubh like this.
  20. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    There is nothing wrong with Daybreak's position. It is actually the smart position.

    Software and tactics can evolve over time.

    Anyone who has had a negotiation in their life knows the important roles of concealing their position and hedging based on the facts on the ground.
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