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Sham/nec vs sham/mage

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Damezza, Jul 4, 2017.

  1. Damezza Augur

    How do the combos compare?
  2. Drakk New Member

    We just compared nec and mag yesterday I think but to reiterate necro brings more utility like snare and fear, mage brings stronger pets and better ability to burn (ks) should you need it

    Edit, sham/chanter is better than both
  3. Damezza Augur

    trying to find alternatives to charm farming here!

    Curious, does nec/sham really on kitting? Mage/sham relies on pet tanking?

    How gear dependent is chanter charming?
  4. Chatoyan Elder

    Your biggest limit with sham/mag is going to be pulling. 2-3 mobs might not be a problem, but a room with 5-6 is going to be interesting (unless you're killing low level stuff, in which case it doesn't really matter what classes you bring). Sham/nec could mean kiting, or it could mean root/dot, or even shammy tanking (depending on gear and targets).
  5. yerm Augur

    Mage/shm has to either pet or shaman tank as you lack snare and want the pet in there. With nec/shm you can kite, or you can just root park mobs and use the great dots, or tank it just like with mage duo.

    A necro can actually top a mage for burst believe it or not. You might notice a lot of the boxing farmers have been swapping to nec crews rather than the ol mage armies.

    Synergy between shaman and mage is pretty bad. Mage ds and shaman slow pull different ways, shm buffs aren't really good for mages, etc. You could replace either the shaman or mage with a necro or even druid and IMO have a better setup. The ONLY advantagr to mage is being able to hard tank ok with earth pet - this should never be necessary and tbh if tanking means so much, you could just go sk/shm, a very very popular duo.
  6. Drakk New Member

    With shaman slow, you certainly don't have to kite but its an option, nor do you have to pet tank

    Never did chanter charming naked and afraid style but for context I just level'd up a chanter with a set of loam and some 4/45 rings so a bit geared but nothing crazy, never died to a charm break 1-50. On an early break color flux/slant/whatever buys you enough time to mez, then that buys you enough time to tash/malo and recharm. The mob barely gets a round off if you're ready for it so I assume the benefits outweigh the risks even in cloth
  7. Green_Mage Augur

    Necro is a lot stronger duo starting in Kunark with Shaman IMO. Mage is ok in classic -- but it pretty much falls behind necro after that for these sorts of Duos. Mages are mostly good at leveling up. They aren't as good at duo and soloing of hard camps.

    Basically you want a charmed pet for duo. It's better than any other kind of duo. So Enchanters + healer (Cleric/Druid/Shaman) are most common. As I just said on a different post though, Necro is actually my personal favorite for charming not Enchanter.

    Necro/Shaman, IMO, is the best duo in Agnarr eras starting in Luclin.
  8. Amoeba Augur

    I would imagine the necro would be way better for the synergy between DoTs, as well as added utility of FD and everything else the next o brings to the table.