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Shadows Don't Render

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by pallypallypal, Sep 11, 2020.

  1. pallypallypal New Member

  2. pallypallypal New Member

  3. Mismezz New Member

    I have an xfx radeon 580, and shadows render on it just fine.

    coincidentally, I am having shadows not render on my laptop, which is just a dell craptop with integrated graphics. My PC with the radeon has an AMD processor, while the laptop is Intel.

    Maybe it's an Intel CPU thing? I don't know, but I wanted to add my info as well
  4. pallypallypal New Member

    Not an intel thing. Have a laptop with intel processor, runs shadows just fine. It's the 5xxx series, not the 5xx/4xx series that aren't rendering shadows.

    An RX 480 renders shadows. An RX 580 also renders shadows. An 5700 XT does not render shadows, a 5600 XT does not render shadows, a 5500 XT does not render shadows.

    I build computers almost weekly and get to test EQ on all kinds of cards--it seems super specific to the "XT" line of cards 5500, 5600, 5700.

    A 480, 580 both render shadows no problem.

    I have yet to encounter an nvidia chipset that fails to render shadows.
  5. GNOME_POWER Augur

    There is no guarantee how long DirectX 9.0c will be available.
    Immediate measures are required to avoid using DirectX 9.0c.