Shadow Knight Level 105 Tanking and Agro Guide

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Belkar_OotS, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. Zarakii Augur

    so im not sure if im just bad at my ol alt sk or if warriors got a super buff. my sk is 100 right now but being the kings of ae aggro i thought i would outshine my friends 105 war by a lot. problem is when he used the wade through battle thing warriors get even after 2 cast of improved aa explosions and repugnance's he still had all the aggro. any ideas? im hoping it will fix itself with the new level spells and aa but its kinda got me bummed right now
  2. Brohg Augur

    Wade is one minute of (very) good point blank AE agro (not ranged AE), on a five minute cooldown, usable if the warrior is already tanking something. While it's running, there's no governance of the agro it generates; the warrior will probably be tanking everything in his immediate vicinity at least until it's done. Relevant: no warrior tanking ability gets better tanking multiple mobs. For the warrior, when it's usable, it's very much a situation of "turn it on and hope things works out". It's a powerful tool, but a very blunt instrument, and so is frequently best used in challenging content as a single target hate booster.

    You shouldn't expect your spells/AAs etc to overwhelm Wade, agro wise, even with increased levels. The "king of AE agro" thing comes in with greatly increased control, and suitability to deal with the consequences. SK AE agro abilities are available virtually on demand. SKs' tap dots & def procs & %melee vampiric things multiply very attractively tanking multiples.
  3. Gr8fuldave Augur

    So what 5 tribute choices are you guys running and what 4 trophies are you using?
  4. Warpeace Augur

    If a Warrior uses Wade you might as well go make a sandwich, eat it and when wait until it fades so you can take agro on a mob.