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Serverwide Spam

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Phinny4Life, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. Phinny4Life Lorekeeper

    Do the Agnarr snowflakes really need all of this serverwide spam that now affects all of the TLP servers? Do we really need to know that someone just cleared Island 2 in PoAir? Do we really need to know that Dracoliche and the other golems have died? Or how about ALL of the dragons in NToV?

    NOW we have serverwides for ALL the nameds in PoTime.. You've gone a little overboard DBG, lets scale it back, but maybe over the course of the next 4 patch days so the servers aren't down for another 14 hours..... mmmmkay?
  2. Claustaler Lorekeeper


    Remove the serverwide message for instanced content.
    Keep it for OW only and then maybe not for every mini.

    Less is more...
    Wowjustwow and Phinny4Life like this.
  3. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Yeah I can't begin to understand the reasoning for systemwides for all PoTime bosses. I always thought the systemwides were designed to announce kill times to the whole server to make it harder to monopolize open world content by timing a respawn only your guild new about. But clearly I am wrong since they're announcing every kill of mini bosses in a purely instanced raid zone... seems absurd.
    Phinny4Life likes this.
  4. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    There is no reason anything but the "boss" of each zone should give a serverwide. Nobody cares who kills Anar of Water in Time or Pyronis in PoFire.
    Protocol and Phinny4Life like this.
  5. Leftharted Elder

    They certainly get annoying. +1.
  6. NoWay Augur

    Put it back the way it was.
  7. Amoeba Augur

  8. malaki Augur

    The best ones are the Symbol dropping drakes in EToV.
  9. AgentofChange Augur

    Ya the serverwides are getting way out of hand. It's ridiculous.
  10. Gurgy New Member

    This is really the best you guys can do?

    WAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! The level of yellow chat in this game is OUTRAGEOUS. Please shut down all servers.


    The Internet
  11. Kiani Augur

    It is a bit spammy now. I always thought it was a bit much getting one for Phinigel Autropos himself. Last patch gave us the Plane of Fear golems, and now, it's anything which needs more than a single group (in era). When someone is doing a Time raid, you get 5 spam messages for phase 1 alone.

    I prefered how it was before the previous patch to this one.