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Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Mims, Mar 24, 2019.

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  1. Mims Augur

    So I just heard many, many people have gotten dozens of loot items each by dropping the task, and then looting the chest. How many people got suspended last year for this, but it's ok this year? Yeah, I know a loot lock was put in place, but not til a lot of people exploited it.

    So now is it ok to exploit until Daybreak fixes the issues? Or maybe they lost too many people after the suspensions last year?

    Talk about inconsistent. I'm glad I decided last year to never give DBG another dime. No expansions, and only kronos I had stockpiled.
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Don't know how, you drop the chest you lose access to loot the chest. Had a group leader eager to move on and kicked everyone so those allocated loot could not loot. Was only junk for tribute so no biggie, but still.....

    So I think you've heard wrong.

    Edit *this was on Gnome Mountain 1st mission, so not sure if it is this you are talking about as you don't actually say.
  3. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    Ya I don't know what you heard but this has been fixed, dropping the task locks you out of the chest so you can't loot anything.
    Yinla likes this.
  4. svann Augur

    Maybe they werent talking about the chest loot.
  5. Mims Augur

    It wasn't GMM, it was from the newest expansion, and they did get chest loot. I know it's been fixed, but prior to that, you could drop the task and have time to loot the chest before you got kicked. Just like the cactus mission last year that got so many people suspended.
  6. Whulfgar Augur

    So.. your mad they fixed it before you.. could do that?
  7. Repthor Augur

    talk about delyed outrage
    Whulfgar, Yinla and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  8. Sancus Augur

    There was nothing in TBL where you could receive chest loot without getting the lockout.
    gotwar, Yinla and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  9. Mims Augur

    No, I'm mad so many people got away with what I got suspended for.
  10. Mims Augur

    Sorry, you're wrong about that.
  11. Sancus Augur

    No, you are. There was a global fix to this coinciding with the RoS suspensions. If you drop the task, you can't loot the chest. Period.

    There were other things that happened in TBL, but they had nothing to do with chest loot, or dropping a task before looting.
    gotwar, Whulfgar and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  12. Mims Augur

    Then half my guild are liars.
  13. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    How do you know they didn't get suspended as well? And even if not they were still doing it knowing that more than likely they would get suspended for it if caught. I highly doubt many, many people did this after Cactusgate. It was more likely a handful of players at best that did it.
  14. Lianeb Augur

    I believe there were a few missions where open the chest was not the last step in the task. Such as Contract of War and the Strange Magic Missions
  15. Flatchy Court Jester

    Your "That guy" getting a ticket and hollering at the popo "Everyone else is speeding!!!"
  16. Lily Augur

    I think Fight Fire was like that too.
  17. lancelove Augur

    There is no chest in Fight Fire ;)
    Yinla likes this.
  18. Roxxlyy Augur

    Exploits are never okay, and if you think exploits are being abused, please contact CS at help.daybreakgames.com so that they can investigate.

    This issue should have been fixed previously, but generally it is not a good idea to discuss *how* to exploit, as that just shares more of the harmful information.
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