Seriously Daybreak?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by ArrynRaggnarok, Apr 16, 2020.

  1. Newbarific New Member

    Give credit where credit is do.
    Give blame to where blame is do.
    The old raid system wasnt the best system in the world but it was way better then this current system. Guilds who raid lockouts put in the work by doing so to get top guild/guilds (unsure how many raid lockouts) other guild raid casually or a little more aggressive by raiding every 4 or 5 days trying to get enough flag wins to post a decent position. The smack talking on the forums is just everyone blowing off steam from frustration over situations like we have today. Btw gratz ROI for the T3 clear. That is def awesome that you got it down mere minutes before servers crashed. The problem with all of this is the lack of communication from Daybreak or darkpaw or whatever they are this week. They never actually step up and apologize for their mistakes. This was a giant disaster and to say that this is the future of the game? Might as well take the game for a walk in the woods with a good old shotgun and put it out of its misery. If your dont take responsibility for what has happened here today then it shows how little the community means to Staff. Like the awesome scheduled maintenance message this morning. That's a bold out lie and no responsibility on your end. Should we treat you the way you treat us? Oh wait. Dreamweaver just clicks a ban button. No responsibility at all. If the code is so old.and broken that simple stability is an issue then end the game all ready. This is a really poor way to treat people. I spent the down time today looking at other mmorpg server status. Only this one game had issues like this. I even went as far as registering on a few of their sites to read what happens when events like this happens. This seems to be the only game out there that does not accept responsibility for this type of problem. Every other game I encountered today had actually developer posts with real apologies. Are we really not worth that? I'm so frustrated with this. I'm going to bed to sleep this off before I do something stupid. Even as I write this I know it will have no effect on the staff. They go back to their simple.code games. Enjoy crush crush! Thanks for the anxiety attacks all day. My health loves you for it
    ArrynRaggnarok likes this.