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Sense Heading - Progression Server Unlocks 2017

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Roshen, Jan 27, 2017.

  1. Roshen Brand Manager

    Hey all,

    As we look to expansion content unlocks on progression servers in 2017, we wanted to touch bases regarding updates to the unlock schedule so everyone on these servers knows what to expect.

    Any time we make changes, our goal is to improve the overall player experience for everyone on these servers, regardless of whether they’re in a guild competing for the first clear of a raid boss, or a small group of players working their way through the content at their own pace.

    Gates of Discord and Omens of War Unlocks

    Let’s tackle the topic of Gates of Discord and Omens of War unlocks first. While we still feel strongly about working towards solutions that result in shorter periods on progression servers without a level cap increase, we also want to give players the opportunity to experience each era of content in a meaningful way.

    We’re going to split these expansion unlocks apart (which is a change from this post here). On Phinigel, we’ll be reducing the period of time for unlocks on expansions without a level cap increase to eight weeks. This will start with Gates of Discord. After Gates opens on Phinigel, it’ll be eight weeks before Omens of War unlocks. As before, expansions that include a level cap increase will last for twelve weeks before the next expansion content unlocks.

    On Ragefire and Lockjaw, the unlock schedule will be similar to previous progression servers. Omens of War and subsequent expansions will become eligible for voting 90 days after their previous expansions are completed.

    So, When Are Our Unlocks?

    Once it’s time for Planes of Power to unlock on Ragefire, Lockjaw, and Phinigel, Legacy of Ykesha content will unlock with it at the same time.


    Our 2017 unlocks on Agnarr are scheduled for:
    • Ruins of Kunark – Weds, August 16, 2017
    • Scars of Velious – Weds, November 8, 2017
    Expansion content unlocks on Agnarr are scheduled for 2PM pacific time on the day they’re to occur, unless there’s a reason the team needs to change a specific expansion unlock.


    Our 2017 unlocks on Phinigel are scheduled for:
    • Planes of Power & Legacy of Ykesha – Weds, February 1, 2017
    • Lost Dungeons of Norrath – Weds, April 26, 2017
    • Gates of Discord – Weds, July 19, 2017
    • Omens of War – Weds, September 13, 2017
    • Dragons of Norrath – Weds, December 6, 2017
    Expansion content unlocks on Phinigel are scheduled for 2PM pacific time on the day they’re to occur, unless there’s a reason the team needs to change a specific expansion unlock.


    Based on when the Planes of Power content was defeated on Ragefire, the vote to unlock Gates of Discord should start late in the evening on Monday, December 25, 2017.

    If the vote passes on Ragefire, this content will unlock automatically on Monday, January 8, 2018 at 2:01PM Pacific Time.

    If the vote doesn't pass, the system will offer two-week long votes starting every other Monday, until a majority of the players on the Ragefire server vote to unlock this content.


    Based on when the Planes of Power content was defeated on Lockjaw, the vote to unlock Gates of Discord should start late in the evening on Wednesday, December 27, 2017.

    If the vote passes on Lockjaw, this content will unlock automatically on Monday, January 8, 2018 at 2:01PM Pacific Time.

    If the vote doesn't pass, the system will offer two-week long votes starting every other Monday, until a majority of the players on the Lockjaw server vote to unlock this content.

    On Ragefire and Lockjaw, three months after Planes of Power & Legacy of Ykesha unlocks, we’ll open up Lost Dungeons of Norrath automatically (no voting required).

    Special note: Some NPCs and game features may require an hour or so to appear correctly in-game after a set of expansion content unlocks.

    We appreciate the continued feedback and support from our players on progression servers. One of the goals of our team is to continue to work towards making these servers a solid place to enjoy different eras of EverQuest’s history.
    Taladir, Kloven, Starr and 13 others like this.
  2. Classified Journeyman

    Great plan. 100% behind this change.
  3. AgentofChange Augur

    Good stuff thanks for changing your minds on this.
  4. Pikallo Augur

    Thanks for listening to the feedback. It is appreciated.
    snailish likes this.
  5. Numiko Augur

    looks great to me, thanks for listening to the feedback and coming up with a better plan.
  6. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    Well, I for one will be canceling my 300 accounts, calling the BBB and my lawyers.


    Thanks DBG
  7. Kelandi Elder

    Nice! *thumbs-up*
  8. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

    Thank you!

    I'm glad you guys made the right call on this. Hopefully some of the old members that quit come back.

  9. Astley Augur

    "Well, in Norrath they say, the Devs hearts grew THREE times that day..."
    PathToEternity likes this.
  10. Trevalon Augur

    Good to see DBG does listen to their customers about some things :)
  11. Dreddnaught New Member

    On phinigiel: Should LDON not be a 8 week time lock opposed to a 12 week time lock as it does not include a level increase cap? :x
  12. Kyel Journeyman

    I agree, Thank you for listening to the players here.
  13. VandilIzer Augur

    Well done! These are great changes.
  14. malaki Augur

  15. Supafro New Member

    Seems to make sense except for... Ldon not being a Level cap increase expansion. Make it 8 weeks on Phinny?
  16. vardune Augur

    well thats just awesome.
  17. taliefer Augur

    great change to unlink the expansions.

    still wonder at the decision to give us 13 weeks of ldon, but only 8 in GoD when neither have level cap increases, but GoD has actual new AA. seems like LDON should be the expansion with the shorter timeframe, since it has much less content than GoD.

    but i suppose thats more of a nitpick than anything.
  18. Lexind New Member

    Great news! #Keep it up DBG and Thank you Roshen !
  19. Astley Augur

    Oh, I don't wonder at the decision at all... Mostly, I think the claim that they needed time to test and pushed PoP back and all was due to their anticipated release schedule for the new TLP server all along.

    I suspect that empty gap of time is because they're planning the new TLP launch at that halfway point. Maybe around June 21st. Which is why they pushed back GoD and initially planned to bundle it with OoW. Because they felt it was more expedient to just lump those together and give the new TLP it's own time to shine really.
  20. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

    This thread:
