Seahorses can now fly and park themselves on walls.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Mwapo, May 24, 2016.

  1. Mwapo Augur

  2. -wycca Augur

    What, you didn't think seahorses wouldn't mutate to survive sometime in the last 15 years?
  3. Mwapo Augur

    I hoped and dreamed they wouldn't.
  4. Dre. Altoholic

    They don't have MotM right? Sic pet, move on :)
  5. Mwapo Augur

    All of the mobs around assist =(
  6. Gortar Augur

    Seahorses + Sirens == worst most vile evil beings in norrath.
  7. Weverley Augur

    Each time i did druid epic i saw other seahorse assist and if siren is passing by samething.Nothing new here.
  8. Aenoan Augur

    I'm telling ya it's those damn GMOs!
  9. Accipiter Old Timer

    Siren's Grotto is pretty buggy when it comes to this. The mobs get in a weird state where they blink in and out, usually shifting vertically, and sometimes in and out of the water. Sometimes you can target them, sometimes you cannot.
  10. Gremin Augur

    Yup SG mobs have always exceeded expectations and done the mysterious. Love when a mob is bugged and you stay in combat for hours on end.