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Rogue Redemption Quest

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Zinkeh, Oct 23, 2022.

  1. Zinkeh Augur

    So I'm doing the good Ol' Burning Rapier quest again after not having done it since the mangler server and prior to that like 2000.

    I've noticed the both the spawn rate of the gnoll brewer is beyond abysmally low and the drop rate of the cask even moreso. The Drop rate on the Blackburrow Gnoll skins is also what could only be called ridiculously low.

    I checked the old Allahkazam posts from the early early 2000's and you had people back then raging about this part of the quest. People there 2,3,4 days just for the cask. Now here I sit, 22 years later with the exact same issue. I've been here 3 days now. 3 hours before work, 3 hours after work. 15 minute respawn timer. The brewer has spawned 5 times during this time and has dropped nothing. I've killed probably upwards of 200 elite gnoll guards and have 2 x blackburrow gnoll skins.

    Somewhere along the way back in 1999/2000 someone messed up the %'s somewhere in this quest and it's high time that was fixed. I've had epic camps less tedious than the camp for this terrible, useless (but necessary for the Rogue Sketches) weapon.
    Brevis likes this.
  2. Zinkeh Augur

    Update: 2 hours 53 minutes before I logged for work. One brewer spawn. Dropped nothing. 6 brewer spawns in almost 4 days of play with no loot dropping. Bugged? This isn't some epic quest...this is a quest meant to be done by like lvl 30 rogues, lol.
  3. Zinkeh Augur

    Update: 3 hours.....25 minutes. 15 spawns. Zero brewers. Zero Master Brewers. Going on 4 days now for a drop in a lvl 30 ish quest. This simply has to be bugged.
  4. Zinkeh Augur

    Update: 2hours 12 minutes: 9 spawns. Finally a brewer spawns.

    Finally a Blackburrow Cask drops.

    Roughly 27 hours of 14 minute spawns. 116 spawn cycles for a lvl 30 quest item.

    Please look into this for future rogues. The class a hard enough time on TLP's.
  5. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    Every epic quest in the game has something that seems insurmountable as do many other quests. Nothing was meant to be easy back then that's for sure.

    But why should they change this now? Because today's players can't handle the challenge? In fact if you look thru this post from just a couple years ago many posters are saying the Rogue epic is one of the top easy ones


    I don't think this is a bug so it should be closed.
  6. Mukkul Augur

    I thought the brewer PH was on a lengthy spawn time, like a few hours or something. It spawns next to a mob that has a 15 min spawn time. I may be misremembering. I do know it can roam, so it's not necessarily at its spawn point.

    You may find it helpful to make sure the cask is a wanted item in your adv loot, add this line to your file LF_AG_name_server.ini or LF_AN_name_server.ini in the userdata folder.

    17970^979^Blackburrow Cask

    I agree the camp is terrible. Many old epic quests have multiple terrible camps.
  7. Bartlesen Lorekeeper

    Time sinks aren't the same as a challenge. Spawn/drop rate mechanics like this were bad in 99 and are still bad now. This isn't even necessary for the epic, and thank God for that.