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Rog Assassinate

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Shoddy, Jul 18, 2024.

  1. Shoddy New Member

    I recently started a team with a couple rogs and was wondering if there was a decent list for humanoid mobs to hunt. I've seen the ranger headshot list but that really only goes to level 95ish. found a little here and there like ToV ry'gorr mine living orcs but that was practically it. while trying to level i want to make full use of what i have. Running a team of sk/shm/brd/rog/rog i know my xp could be a lot faster with humanoids to kill. I know with the bard their dps is good and with better weapons and gear it would be even better.

    so any list that anyone knows of or is this one of those make one myself things?
  2. Cadira Augur

    Edit: some of these suggestions have white and yellow cons at their exact lvl, so you might have to "over level" a bit before actually going to each area (108 instead of 105 etc) to assassinate them and still get real good XP in these specified areas.

    Going exclusively from memory I'll give you what ideas I can 95+

    100: possibly some alarans in shards landing
    Possibly some darkelves in neriak fourth gate

    105: lotta various NPCs in some higher lvl zones like combine dredge (requires progression)
    Lots of sarnaks and goblins in eok frontier mountains and other t1 zones.

    110: very little here I think. Some sarnaks in skyfire, overthere that are probably low enough to hit. Tbl has next to if not literally nothing.

    115: yeah rygorr mobs in cc, living section are all I've ever heard about.

    120: tons of akhevan mobs in me and elsewhere are blue or db and can easily be hs etc. loda kai's in shadeweavers and grimlings etc in nos zones are good picks.

    125: all kinds of mobs to choose from in LS. timorous and ankexvan are great.

  3. Alnitak Augur

    Can mephits and/or djinns be assasinated?
    Esianti has many djinns, mephits and playable race "norrathians" as well.

    Can chetari and/or othmir be assasinated? They've got arms, legs, heads, are live mobs and walk upright. I do not know if they can be.
    Cadira likes this.
  4. Cadira Augur

    Djinns def can't be I remember. Mephits I was questioning but thought I found they couldn't. But I could be wrong there.

    Othmir and chetari probably can if they're not the undead (most common?) versions.
  5. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I would assume yes on the live othmir since they can be headshot.
  6. Herf Augur

    How DARE you say "assassinate" :D
  7. Shoddy New Member

    The Rogue Pokey? Steel Injection? Rogue Loving? Biden mafia caretakers?
    Herf likes this.
  8. NatazzEvoli Elder

    Maybe Gorowyn in the 110 range if you can handle RoS T2. I think there's a good chunk of mobs 109 or less. The werewolves in GMM might be humanoid also.
    Cadira likes this.
  9. Randomized Augur

    I always forget that GMM is a thing.

    Wereorcs are decent for Assassinate / Decap / Headshot if you can handle them.
  10. Cadira Augur

    Unless they fixed it, the orcs in gmm were not hs'able (they should be, but weren't)