RoF T2 drop/spawn rate

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by stacks33, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. stacks33 New Member

    I was just wondering if anyone else has noticed reduced drop/spawn rates in RoF T2 content.

    Before the holiday content came out I was filling my bags full of loot and blasting named left and right... but since the last downtime (as far as I can tell) I've found 2 random drops (200-300 mobs) and some named I can camp for 20 spawn cycles and still not encounter them.

    Has anyone else noticed reduced frequency in drops/spawns, or am I just having really bad luck all of a sudden?
  2. Nudia Augur

  3. CaptAmazing Augur

    I've put in a lot of hours the last 10 days or so. I've seen no change with trash drops. They do go in spurts though. Having done quests when RoF came out, didn't do any named camping. But, doing it now, some named are just darn too rare. Looking at you Sgt. Malorin.
  4. Crystilla Augur

    Haven't really noticed any drop rate differences in tier 1 or tier 2 myself. Though traditionally speaking, usually after a few weeks, the rates always have seemed to drop off for each expansion in the past. So it's entirely possible it has been lowered.
  5. Iila Augur

    The drop rate on the trash drops is pretty low, somewhere around 1% from what I could tell. So being spiky over a few days could be quite normal.