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RoF pre-order?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Xirtket, Oct 15, 2012.

  1. Grohm New Member

    Will the collection quests, hunter etc, be avail at < level 90. Wondering if it is worth getting right away.
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Would be nice be nice to get all of these as 999 claims.
  3. jarsh92 Elder

    Since I haven't see it asked and didn't see any note about it on the pre-order page, if you buy this expansion, will it include VoA?
  4. Piestro Augur

    Some of both will be below level 90.
  5. Piestro Augur

    Good catch, I'll try and get claim numbers for each item relatively quickly. Of course I am leaving for SOE Live first thing tomorrow morning, so there may be a small delay.
    jarsh92 likes this.
  6. Moklianne Augur

    I'm sure I'm not speaking for everyone, but there is really nothing on that list that compels me to get the collector's edition or even pre-order. Guaranteed Beta access, xp pots, mana/hp elixers, printed materials and even a box that gets mailed to my house (would love a metal case just like the old gold edition) are all items that would change my mind immediately. Just providing my feedback for next time.
    Geroblue likes this.
  7. Piestro Augur

  8. Xnao Augur

    Descriptions of the items you get for pre-ordering/collector's would be amazing.

    Like Collector's Dimensional Case, the bracelets, staff, idol the abode.
  9. Piestro Augur

    See my reply on first page. :)
  10. Cakvala Augur

    Agreed, maybe they will release more info past SOE live?
  11. Ganadwen New Member

    It's not mentioned, but... (I hate to ask) ... Does this include VoA?

    If it does, I'd order two today..... for two of my alt accounts that never got around to getting VoA...
    jarsh92 likes this.
  12. Ronak Augur

    You may want to reconsider the $90 price tag on collector's edition. (After the 30$ discount on it ends, that is)

    PS: Add a ceremonial elixir of scholarship to the collector's edition, and double your sales!
  13. Xnao Augur

    Doh. Cool ty.
  14. Irrarr New Member

    Anyone can explain why I have to pay € 56.99 for the collector version while a guildy only have to pay € 41.99? I have the account longer than him (08.2000) and without a break.
  15. Redrum_Redrum Augur

    13 raids only after complaints all year about not having enough raid conten? Thats upsetting and shows me how much you guys pay attention to the whole player base.
    Noteefs, Reht and Elricvonclief like this.
  16. Redrum_Redrum Augur

    I wouldnt buy it unless it gave ua a pick a day 24hr double xp 1 time use click. 1 xp pot wont do anything
  17. Derd Augur

    I believe the elixir gave 5? or was it 10? shots of exp i still have them on some charachters i'm always waiting for that perfect xp time to use them :) . I'm just hoping i remember to use all the xp potions on my main that i had saved up from old stuff that i forgot to use in voa before i was max aa and normal xp :)

    It looks to me to be a fairly nice set of extras for the collectors edition this time around though if i did buy it would probably only be on one account as it does get pricey. Hopefully some images come out before the discount price is removed that might make it easier to decide.
  18. Kormage New Member

    Does he have all access? My friend has all access and said he payed less too.
  19. Rainbowdash Augur

    Fear Corrupted Phase Spider Metamorph Totem
    (Only Available with Pre-Order)

    Please tell me this is either an illusion or mount and please tell me it does the original phase spider model justice.

    I love Jimmy (What I named my Lava Braxi) but if this is a mount and looks good enough I may just bag him ;P If It's an illusion.... I may cry tears of joy
  20. Booger Elder

    If you preorder when do you get billed ? the day you preorder or the day ROF launches ?