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RIP Renotaki 5/21/2020

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Squrriel, May 23, 2020.

  1. Squrriel Journeyman

    Thursday, May 21, 2020 the young man Nathan, we knew as Renotaki died from complications due to Covid-19. He was preceded by his brother and leaves behind his parents, sister, a career as a special need’s teacher and a Reckless family.

    I like many of you, had the privilege of getting to know and become friends with Reno over the past few years. I always appreciated his candor and willingness to explore ideas. Reno was not afraid to ask tough or strange questions; you always knew Reno would “go there” and in doing so he would take us along for the ride. The result was a lot of gut busting laughs and for my own part some honest reflection. You could always count on him to be fair, objective, and to dwarf your parse. Reno was courageous and honest; he did not pretend to be anything he was not; take it or leave it he did not hide who he was. I respect and admire him for that. Reckless Ascension will not be the same without him and neither will I. For as long as I have been here Reno has been the bar for DPS, even still he was always pushing to be better. In the process he drove us to all be better also.

    In the wake of death words do little to ease the sting, but we can honor Reno by remembering him and remembering we are all here for a short time lets be kind and enjoy each other while we can. I do not play Everquest because of the graphics or because grinding evolving items is awesome. I play it because I get to interact with a bunch of goofy and fun people. Reckless Ascension is not just a guild it is a family. Wherever you are Reno we love you man.

    Renotaki was 24 and in good health, his family is understandably unprepared for this and if you would like to help fund their memorial service you can do so here.
  2. enclee Augur

    Sad day, didn't know him but it's never a good day to lose a community member.
    Lockdown likes this.
  3. Proximoe Elder

    I miss you already brother. I’m dying right now
    Jhenna_BB and Lockdown like this.
  4. Sancus Augur

    This is really sad. Rest in peace and best wishes to his family :(
  5. kizant Augur

    Ugh. Sorry to hear that. :(
    Lockdown likes this.
  6. Robnie Augur

    I'm rotating between being angry and crying at the unfairness of this all. He was 25 and did not dersere to go out this early. You will forever be missed Nathan Burley(Renotaki) you were not only one of my best friends but also the best raider anyone could ever ask for. You devoted your life to helping those who were not quite able to help themselves and I am grateful I was able to be a part of your journey to doing so. You pushed adps harder than I pushed the raid and you will forvever be the best wizard that everquest has ever seen. RA will never be the same without out you and I love you.

    PS: I miss you already.
    Travestii, Maedhros, Behelit and 5 others like this.
  7. Maedhros High King

    This is awful. Very sorry for your loss RA and those who knew Reno.
    Travestii, Jhenna_BB, Behelit and 2 others like this.
  8. ZenMaster formless, shapeless

    Condolences. May peace be upon all.
    Finagan and Lockdown like this.
  9. Arcticwolf New Member

    A wonderful, unique spirit. Rest easy, Reno.
  10. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All

    On behalf of the Township Rebellion family, I'd like to convey our deepest condolences. 25 is so young, far too young for this. While we've been lucky with covid so far, but we've been where you are now before, too many times, mourning the passage of a family member - because thats what our online guildmates are, really, at the end of the day. Our hearts ache with yours, and while my path never crossed with Nathan's that I know of, I'm quite sure, as the parent of a special kiddo myself, there are quite a few souls out there whose lives he has touched as a teacher, and that gift will be one of his many legacies that will remain.

    We have found over the years, that it will eventually help bring peace, calm and comfort to keep his memory alive through storytelling and memorysharing, and I hope that each of you can find some small comfort in each other as you navigate his passing.
    cilenne, Travestii, Maedhros and 6 others like this.
  11. Marton Augur

    This is so sad. My condolences to his friends and family.
    Finagan likes this.
  12. Duder Augur

    A friend I knew better as his alt Roomia. A friend is gone and I cried when I received the news earlier. My thoughts are out to a great guy and a great friend and to all who knew and loved him.
    Travestii, Maedhros, Zurril and 2 others like this.
  13. Tanols Augur

    Reno was, and always will be a beloved member of RA. As was stated earlier he worked his off to lift people up and was always there to lend support and a helping hand. Through his humor, his persistence (sometimes annoyingly so !) he made us all a better guild and better people. Words cannot express the anger and grief I've been processing since I got the news.

    The last we heard from Nathan was in Discord on 05/20 and he was expressing how the virus and the symptoms he was suffering from had worsened. He was emphatically encouraged to get into a hospital immediately. Unfortunately for reasons we may never know he had not sought medical attention sooner.

    For all of you in this community I say ... DO NOT MESS AROUND ... this virus is nothing to take lightly. Yes, you have to live your lives but take the recommended precautions. Practice social distancing to best of your ability. Wear a mask if not for your own protection, then for the protection of others. Keep your self and your environment clean. A simple solution of 10% bleach in water in a container with a wash cloth you can take with you and wash your hands before and after being out in public will work. IF you have any symptoms or suspect you have been exposed seek medical attention immediately if only for testing.
    Travestii, Maedhros, Zurril and 4 others like this.
  14. Jolav Journeyman

    My heart is broken Reno. I will miss you. You were one of a kind young man and even more impressive then your DPS skills were your skills as a human being, always a kind word always willing to help I could go on and on.... those that knew you know what I mean

    <3 you kid rest easy
    Travestii, Maedhros, Duder and 2 others like this.
  15. Finagan New Member

    Renotaki was a champion of life and game alike. Rock solid and omnipresent, we could not have asked for a better guild mate or friend. It was an honor to have known him , and I will never forget the man that was.

    Thank you so much for all that you did Reno , I miss you so much already.

    Maedhros, Duder and Jhenna_BB like this.
  16. Derka Power Ranger

    Sorry to hear about this. He was regarded highly among peers and although I did not know him personally, I always enjoyed reading his educational posts. Seemed to be quite the wizard! The game has lost a great player :(
    Duder, Jhenna_BB and Bartleby like this.
  17. Bartleby Journeyman

    Reno was responsible for 2 things in our guild, A hell of a lot of DPS, And even more laughs. In some of our guilds we spend More time with our guildies than some people do with their own blood relatives. We raid, we joke, we fight. Just tell the people you are with you love them. Tell them as much as possible without being weird. Make sure the Pixels around you are more than just that.
    I know this post doesn't make a ton of sense. In all honesty none of this does
    Petah, Travestii, Elyssanda and 2 others like this.
  18. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    I loved this kid and always will. I'm grateful to have been able to tell him when he was with us how proud I was of him finishing college and then going right out and starting his teaching career. He knew he was one of my favorite guildmates in 21 years of EverQuest because I told him and that's what little solace anyone can ever hope for in this situation.

    He literally grew up raiding with us. A story one of our founders shared was he was at one point young enough where he had to ask permission to stay up a little later to finish up a group. It just hits you hard that he was as young as he was and in good health and still succumbed to this horrible disease.

    RIP, brother I grieve <3
    Petah, Bartleby, Travestii and 2 others like this.
  19. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    Thank you to those of you outside our guild that donated to his sisters' gofundme page. It means a lot to us. I'm sure his real life family is touched by the contributions from his online family.
    Travestii and Duder like this.
  20. Kovachs Lorekeeper

    Never had a chance to meet Reno but none the less very touching and sad. Always hurts to lose a great friend, family member, and member of the EQ community. Bard's Speed, Reno!
    Travestii and Maedhros like this.