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Cannot Reproduce Reward Token of the Magus not in the claim window

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Xithix, Jul 6, 2024.

  1. Xithix Apprentice

    Category: Other
    Date/Time: Sat Jul 06 07:42:26 2024

    Character: Shaman (Main)
    Zone: The Plane of Knowledge
    Location: 438.36, 468.96, -123.87, 261.53

    Description: Completed Challenge Defeat Deepest Guk and the reward Token of the Magus not in the claim window, even after a few refresh on Vaniki, tried to open the reward window and there is nothing to be claim there either, But I want to claim it on a character on Teek, but even after logging off and on, even on another server still wont appear
    Rogueite, Ileasa, Yinla and 8 others like this.
  2. junglevoodooman New Member

    I had this same issue yesterday. After completing the achievement, the Reward screen popped up, and upon selecting the reward option to send it to my /claim window, I received this message in chat:

    There was a problem processing your claimable item. If you believe this to be in error, please contact customer service.

    I contacted customer service, described the issue and received this response this morning:


    I wanted to get back to you regarding your troubles with what may very well be a bugged or malfunctioning mechanic within EverQuest. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you today. Please be sure to submit a bug report at https://everquest.com/bugs, so that our team can look into the issue further. During this time, CS is unable to manually adjust your issue for immediate correction, as this will need to be looked into by our team.

    EverQuest Official Forums provide patch update notes, under the Game Update Notes (Live) section. As the timeline of bug fixing can vary, we are unable to provide any ETA's for reported bugs and encourage players to check back in the future using our boards. We highly appreciate your understanding and if you have any future questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
    GM Spoom
    Daybreak Game Company, LLC

    So here we are.
    Rogueite and scorpiojay83 like this.
  3. Rogueite New Member

    I had this same issue, I was in raid in guild lobby, I selected the reward but the totem did not ever show up in my claims window, the character has the achievement so will be unable to repeat the process on that char. I also got essentially the same email from my petition as junglevoodooman.
    scorpiojay83 likes this.
  4. junglevoodooman New Member

    Since this is a known issue with the reward system, can we empower in-game GMs to issue the rewards while this is being worked on? (IF its being worked on I guess, too many multi-year bugs)
    scorpiojay83 likes this.
  5. scorpiojay83 New Member


    The same thing happened to me and I was also told to report a bug but since there is already a thread I will post my troubles here. Adding to the headache my ticket has been closed out and marked as resolved when nothing has changed. Poor customer service!
  6. Claustaler Lorekeeper

    +1 don't forget to like the thread.

    Same problem, maybe even the same raid haha.
    Yeah give the CS the right to add the items to wish charakter's inventory.

    CS ticket: #1384178
  7. Tal-Ral New Member

    I also have the same issue as all of the above, if the GM can't fix this issue we are stuck without being able to have the reward.
  8. Claustaler Lorekeeper

    Excuse me, what does "QA In Progress" mean for us now?
  9. junglevoodooman New Member

    It would be nice to know if they've identified a resolution for the bug, and what that means for characters that already completed the achievement but did not get their reward.
    Xithix likes this.
  10. Rogueite New Member

    love it when the original ticket I put in for this gets marked as solved... nothing was solved item is still missing from claim window.
  11. junglevoodooman New Member

    Don't you worry, this issue is currently making advancements in terms of assuring its quality.
  12. Claustaler Lorekeeper

    Could you please post your original ticket here?
    @Devs or @CS, any update here?
  13. junglevoodooman New Member

    CS responded to ticket I opened originally, so fixes are rolling out.
  14. Rogueite New Member

    I also got my token claim as of today
  15. Ratalthor Developer

    I am resolving this thread as Can Not Reproduce, but if you encountered this issue and never received your claim, please contact Customer Support who will help grant missing claims.