Review of NOS expansion

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fian, Dec 16, 2022.

  1. uberkingkong Augur

    My hottake on NoS. First expansion utilizing 64 bit EQ!
    Expansion is as beautiful as looking at this featured image.
    This is the main selling point image for NoS.
  2. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Yeah, to be specific, it's ToFS which is pretty tough, Kael and Velks aren't too bad.

    Frankly, after finally getting the key to 4th floor last night, I'm starting to like ToFS quite a bit more. Yes, still one bad pull sends you to rebuff/revive merc hell, but after spending a couple hours relearning how to make sure you don't get a bad pull, it's actually fun. Slow, but fun.

    I will say this. If you box, you almost HAVE to make sure you get some key utility slots covered, to make places like ToFS tolerable. Things like ports/evacs, crowd control, calming, FD, slowing mobs, double invis, CotH, etc. You don't need every utility category covered, but having a good portion of them covered really makes life easier.