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Returning player here

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Dewey, Mar 14, 2023.

  1. Dewey Augur

    Hey just an FYI on the zone Shar Vahl, Divided.

    It keeps putting me to sleep. We did some CoV and it seems way harder than ToL, going to still avoid the CoV missions at 120, super annoying. Anyways, the quest/zones have been okay so far, and then we hit this Shar Vahl, Divided. Me and the wife just can only stand a little bit each night and then it's like okay that's enough time to go to sleep.

    The small hills are super annoying. The outline of the city is super annoying, and the mobs and looting quest with barely any drops just makes one sleepy.

    Anyways, I'll get it done, but so far it just is like a lullaby. This is the 4th night here that we've hit it up after work. I'm sure that there's gotta be someone that apprreciates these quest/zone. I also don't hate it. It's just challenging to stay awake for it.
    Brontus likes this.
  2. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    OH, sorry... I went into a day dream. Reading again.. Please wait!
  3. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer


    Annoying things put you to sleep. Understood and thanks for the PSA.