I am a returning level 115 berserker. I am looking to get advice for my ability line ups for my hot bars. My dps is not what it used to be. I am wearing the snowbound warmonger gear and use lament maul of restlessness (all i could afford). I want to put out the most dps I can. My current lineup is 1. rabbit punch 2. battle leap 3. vindicating frenzy 4. vindicating volley 5. vindicating axe throw 6. axe of derakor 7. seething rage 8. shared atavism 9. cry carnage 10. focused rampage 11. shriveling strikes 12 phantom assailant 13 composite rage I have 2 burn macros and a macro for named. burn macro 1 is: mangling discipline focused furious rampage reckless abandon desperation binding axe burn macro 2 is: brutal discipline untamed rage vehement rage perturbing scream composite rage named macro is: cleaving acrimony bloodpact spire of the juggernaut juggernaut surge savage spirit I know berserkers have been nerfed but I still enjoy playing one. I am not really concerned about raiding/raid gear at this moment. thanks in advance for any advice besides switch to a monk =)
There is a lot of info on the berserker discord. https://discord.gg/abmRvbM7FT Here is the current writeup https://docs.google.com/document/d/18-VnMfRPi-7wONhOrLIhKZVltCAF_tUrVNUvS3-xwy4/edit?usp=sharing
I play on a TLP so I don't know higher leveled information 100% accurately. However I am 105 currently on my TLP (The Darkened Sea expansion) and can help to what I notice doesn't match what I am currently doing. I wont mention much about specifics on discs because I don't have them currently and I'm in a stage where Brutal is still only used for group game. 1 - Stop using battle leap. This ability was changed to where the bonus damage buff that was granted upon using went to passively granted. You actually LOSE DPS by clicking this button now because it flings you towards the NPC and in the moments of flinging you end up out of combat range. I'm sure there may be a point where the damage portion that is given on the click of Battle Leap increases the DPS you are doing, but at 115 you're way past it. 2 - Your burn macro's are missing essential AA's that will help with DPS My main burn at 105's AAs are Reckless Abandon , Savage Spirit, Juggernaut Surge, Blood Pact, Blinding Fury, Spire, Desperation, Focused/Furious Rampage, and Untamed Rage. Depending on if I am on raid or grouping determines which disc I use. My 2nd burn uses Reckless Abandon and Vehement Rage. The reason I only mention the AA's is largely due to our level difference, but all these AAs "should" be used still. You can mix/match whatever AA's you personally wish to whatever burns, BUT the majority should be used on a major burn. 3 - Disconcerting Discipline comes out in EOK - so i haven't played with it yet but I know its still used in-between things to keep DPS up 4 - I have a spam button that has Braxi's Howl AA tied into it - It's a debuff for the mob (AOE cast) that increases damage from melee. 5 - I dont use the scream line of discs anymore because it uses the same timer as the axe throw spam disc (yours is Vindicating Axe Throw). I personally learned from what the poster above said also, join the EQ berserker discord and just scroll through their expansion based burn guides ( they have guides from zerker inception in Gates of Discord to live expansion for burns! ) and just playing around with parses and seeing what I like best over other things. I can keep up with necro/wizard burns on fast fights in my current expansion so I am happy with my current setup. I hope some of this information can help!
don't use macros, use multibinding. And follow Covennx's links to the discord guides that will tell you all you need to know.