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Request: List your Favorite & Useful Clickie's

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Saer-tse-tao, May 15, 2019.

  1. Saer-tse-tao Journeyman

    Hello fellow Norrathians,

    I am looking for YOUR list of clickie's that are worthy enough to occupy a hotkey in your UI. My intent is to learn what other people use and maybe discover a few new clickies that I have been unaware of. Please list items that are still attainable. For example: Items only available with Premium or Collectors edition would not be helpful.

    Here is a fast, off the top of my head, list of some of my clickies:
    1. Brasse's Stein - 16th AV - Port to PoK (very fast cast time)
    2. Necromantic Bone Wand - 16th AV - 22k dd w/70pct lifetap (numbers are probably wrong here) [fast cast time - 5 min cool down]
    3. Ice of Velious - RoF collection sub-ach - casts a version of Paficy on mobs (Fast, easy and usefull when pulling)
    4. Rage of Rolfron - PoW named drop -or- hunter ach - Circle of Power 4 (4% boost to crit chance for melee and casters)
    5. Ring of Immobilization - Bought it in the baz lol - root (fast cast time - frees up a spell slot)
    Those are just a few that come to an aging, forgetful mind;). I enjoy several different aspects of EQ, one of them being able to satisfy that OCD part of my personality. So please share what you have and not the merits of having item (a) vs item (b). Today, on this thread everyone is a winner!
    Cheers and many thanks!
    - Saerza Kosza, 110 ENC of FV
    "I can turn mages into deities, wizards into godlings, but I dont do my own dps anymore"
  2. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    Ah ok found it - could not think of what that Ice of Velious was but its Velious Snowball! Close and cold!
    Saer-tse-tao likes this.
  3. Qbert Gallifreyan

    I'd rather not put my clickies on the forefront of the chopping block for nerfs, thanks.
    Fanra, Andarriel, Koryu and 7 others like this.
  4. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    This guy gets it.
    Fanra and Yimin like this.
  5. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    I really like my [REDACTED] clickie that drops from [CENSORED]. It really helps in the [THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] department.
    Andarriel, RPoo, Allayna and 3 others like this.
  6. Lifeshriek Augur

    My list copied over from the Beastlord Clickies thread: at https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/beastlord-clickies.257556/
    Minus Familiars, Teleport Clickies, and Illusions these are clickies I get at least some use out of while raiding or grouping or both:

    Twincast: Bifold Focus of the Evil Eye
    Bloodmagic: Rod of Dark Rites
    Lifetap Off of Melee Hits: Blood Drinker's Coating
    Current (TBL) BPs: Fury of the Beast
    HP/Mana/End Regen, DS: Miniature Horn of Unity
    Self Mez/Agro Drop: Lingering Essence of Cazic-Thule
    DD/Stun/No Push Proc Buff: Grelleth's Royal Seal
    Pulling Tool / Poison and Disease Resist Debuff: Staff of Viral Flux
    Circle of Power IV: Rage of Rolfron
    Pet Hit Mod / Defensive Buff: Savagesoul Jerkin of the Wilds
    Super Mount Speed: Bridle of the Flying Imprisoned Sokokar
    Mana and End Boost: Kiss of Erollisi Marr
    Cure: Shield of Immaculate Light, Venenium, Cleansing Rod, Shield of the Immaculate
    Divine Barrier: Cursed Rage Channeler, Totem of the Wurines, Feral Guardian Channeler
    Directional AE Chromatic Resist Debuff / Dot: Hero's Sigil of the Council
    IVU: Bone Earring of Evasion / Fabled Bone Earring of Evasion
    Pet Buff: Spiritcaller Totem of the Feral
    Pet Rune: Cord of Obligation
    Mark Clickies: Terror's Juju / Ghoulskin Shield
    Eye of Zomm: Holgresh Elder Beads
    Bind Sight: Clairvoyant Orb
    Propel Up and Forward: Rocketeer Boots (more upwards than forward), Steamjet Pack (more forward than upwards)
    Self Heal: Polished Diamond Prism
    AC / DS: Darkened Wild Lord's Tunic
    Self +Heal Buff: Silken Trillium
    Defensive Buff: Diplomatic Papers
    Root: Slimy Ooze Ejector
    Snare: Rusty Oil Spitter
    Beneficial Dispel: Abashi's Rod of Disempowerment

    Also, in terms of expendable clickies:

    Dragonmagic Focus
    Mana Infusion
    Spider's Bite
    Ethernere Energy Chowder
    Planar Overdose
    Token of Resurrection
    Cloudy Potion
    Purified Mana Tonic
    Gorowyn Fortified Drink
    Potion of Binding
    Potion of Divinity
    Summoned: Glowing Modulation Shard
    Glyph of Destruction / Glyph of Arcane Secrets / Glyph of Dragon Scales etc.
    Yinla and Saer-tse-tao like this.
  7. Saer-tse-tao Journeyman

    Thank you for the comprehensive list Bradley!
  8. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Orb of Satisfaction, because who in a raid doesn't need bread?
    Saer-tse-tao likes this.
  9. Drexyll Lorekeeper

    Shield of the Immaculate is pretty handy on TLP's. I don't know if there is a better replacement on Live, but I use it fairly often on Ragefire. On FV I have a Ring of Immobilization which is really cool also. Oh and pre-nerf CoS has been priceless on my necro and Sk over the last 2 years.
    Saer-tse-tao likes this.
  10. Saer-tse-tao Journeyman

    I would like to add that in hindsight having them separated into categories would have probably helped. So if you have some transportation clickies please throw those in as well! We should probably leave illusions and familiers for another day though:)
  11. Mintalie Augur

    Drunkard's Stein = $$$
  12. Cuuthbert Augur

    Bard Epic and Poison buff for weapon
    Blade of Vesagran - Bard Only
    Blood Drinker's Coating - All classes

    Lyssa`s Darkwood Piccolo (Bard Only)

    All in one all three are instant clicks give me 3 more songs for free (Bard Only)
    Darkened Breath of Harmony
    Breath of Harmony
    Lute of the Flowing Waters

    Pulling Hotkey
    Selo`s Drums of the March - Bard only
    Staff of Viral Flux - All classes
    Possessed Dreadstone Minstrel's Rapier (Bard Only)

    Haste atk - Bard only
    Rapier of Somber Notes - followed by melody

    Emergency Regen/heal (all classes)
    Diplomatic Papers
    Overflowing Urn of Life
    Prayers of Life
    Miniature Horn of Unity

    Heal over time (all classes)
    Small Manisi Branch

    Emergency Cure (Bard only)
    Marrow's Song

    I do have more click items but they are more situational
    Saer-tse-tao likes this.
  13. Yendar Augur

    Bulwark of many portals is nice for insta cast gate in sticky situations. You can click it while running which is nice.
    Andarriel and Saer-tse-tao like this.
  14. svann Augur

    ring of the ancients
    the lady's entreaty (bard and casters)
    anything with geomantra
    hoarded blood orchid katana

    kelin's seven stringed lute
    darkened singing steel helm
    songblade of the eternal
    Saer-tse-tao likes this.
  15. Mintalie Augur

    This was an enormous pita camp for me but I eventually finally persevered and got it. It is particularly nice if you don't have a shaman or enchanter around when you're doing a nasty named fight, even if a bit slow casting. Definitely worth having.
    Saer-tse-tao likes this.
  16. wingz-83 Augur

    As a Pally in no particular order (not illusions): I think all of these are technically still obtainable although only some are available during anniversary time..might be a couple LON items

    Necromatic Dragon Bone
    Ring of the Ancients
    Vicious Rabbit
    Dawnseeker's Chestpiece of the Defender
    Rune of Healing
    Crown of Clarity
    Fabled Incarnadine Breastplate
    Chalandria's Fang
    Gunthak Swabby's Eyepatch
    Miniature Horn of Unity
    Basalt Carapace
    Huntsman's Ethereal Quiver
    Diplomatic Papers
    Vice Trap
    Red Dragonscale Armor
    Staff of Forbidden Rites
    Chestplate of the Dark Flame
    Crystal of Daylight
    Magmatic Deflector
    Fabled Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring
    Epic 2.0
    Rage of Rolfron
    Refurbished Puppet
    Memento of the Ungod's Suffering
    Ancient Cloak of Flames
    Fabled Pegasus Feather Cloak
    Fellowship clicky
    Stormeye Band
    Blazing Vambraces
    Bottled Essence of Vex
    Silken Trillium

    And a favorite of mine: Boots of Shadow Walking
    Saer-tse-tao likes this.
  17. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    Most of my Clickies have already been listed so I won't post everything, here some I don't think I saw mentioned.

    Fishing Combo:
    Fisherman's Companion (Summon Pole)
    Hargar Brand Fishing Pail (Summon Bait)
    Anizok's Bait Dispenser (Convert unwanted fish into Bait)

    Circle Clickies:

    Rage of Rolfron (Circle of Power IV)
    Signet of Gannar (Circle of Life IV)
    Mantle of Inasch (Circle of Mana IV)
    Bloody Orc Signet (Guardian Circle III)

    Some other misc clickies I haven't seen listed:

    Mysterious Belt of Daggers (Summon Throwing Items)
    Orb of Calm Tides (Change the Weather)
    Jeweled Skull of Null (Annul Magic)
    Kjarl's Ring of Negation (Nullify Magic)
    Mask of Ardent Spirits (Instant Cast: Summon Ale)
    Bigger Belt of the River (Summon Stat Drink)
    Wee'er Harvester (Summon Stat Food)
    Rune of Tallon (DPS Pet Attacker)
    Vermilion Sky Ring (Shaman Only FD)
    Saer-tse-tao and Whulfgar like this.
  18. RPoo Augur

    Few that I haven't seen listed yet
    Wristband of secrets
    dark shield of the scholar
    sorcerer's blade
    polymorph wand: plaguebringer
    ros/tbl robe
    terror's juju
    fellowship registration insignia
    serpent of vindication (chanter)
    Unearthed belt (chanter)
    Saer-tse-tao likes this.