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Request: Free Trade for Yelinak

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Icetea, Apr 8, 2022.

  1. Draztic Journeyman

    I've made a couple posts requesting the same, don't want to spam it so this will be my last.
    dwiguslowater and Gormgeous like this.
  2. JustAnotherOpinion Augur

    A Rallos Zek Ogre Shaman cannot complete the Skiron Cudgel in Kunark due to capped faction with the Iksars.
  3. Hekkthebank Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

  4. Gormgeous Elder

    I thought their point that free trade would allow those things and someone could hand them the cudgel? Or is it one of the exceptions to free trade?
  5. JustAnotherOpinion Augur

    You're correct. On Mischief server, players can bypass faction issues and simply buy the item. Other examples include Inny Snare necklace. I used a level 1 DE Cleric to hand in all of the items for my Troll Shaman, so I didn't have to complete a quest to raise my faction with them.

    OT Hammer...
    Kunark Archaeologist quests...
  6. uberkingkong Augur

    Yeah thats like after 5 places to look at, I might think about that spot to look, and usually I give up after 3 different spots.
    Google, the website, the forums stickies, yeah I give up.
    I'm not that diehard where I read producer's letters

    I found out after seeing a bunch of threads talking about whatever the TLP is called and Vaniki, I thought people were talking about the NPC Vaniki and not a server, realized it was a server after I found out about this TLP server name.

    Time to start looking for this producer letter so I can know more about this TLP that is hiding in the producer's letter.
  7. Elabone Augur

    Sorry, im confused as to why that even matters? Your hatred towards FV ruleset, is that characters who couldnt otherwise finish the quests, are able to finish the quests? Or characters that dont have the faction, are able to purchase the finished items? Why is that bad?
  8. Elabone Augur

    Bro, if you care that much about EQ TLPs, the first place you should be looking is the News Forum. If youre looking anywhere else, youre just being silly. I would even bet that you saw the news article, then checked the other locations to find nothing just so you could come here and complain.
    Tarvas likes this.
  9. Overcast451 Augur

    Me either, but I found a link - so I'll pass it on too :)

  10. uberkingkong Augur

    Thanks, I was going to come back and say
    I checked EQ TLP stickies, nothing,
    checked EQ website, found! I wanted to say First TRY!!! but it's really second try.

    So I read through,
    Yelinak sounds boring, just another plain ol TLP, already have enough of them.

    But Vaniki, I think I'm actually going to play that, the Vaniki server sounds kinda tough, challenging thing maybe going on here? Who can beat the raids while your a couple behind first? Thats one big way to make raids tough, do them being 10-20 levels behind lol. Somewhat a hardcore vibe going on at Vaniki.

    As for this thread and free trade, if Yelinak got free trade, I still wouldn't play, why? Go play Fironia Vie. Its still just another ordinary TLP. Free trade isn't that cool unlike the TLP with randomized loot.
  11. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Ear we go!
  12. Zansobar Augur

    It would be a step in the right direction to add Free Trade as the default ruleset going forward.
    Trevor likes this.
  13. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    You AVOIDED killing Halflings? :eek:

    You should be forced to race-change immediately for doing that.:mad:

    Unworthy of being a Troll.
  14. Hekkthebank Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

    OMEGALORD likes this.
  15. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

  16. JustAnotherOpinion Augur

    FV rule set takes the QUEST out of EverQuest. Every class and race has an advantage and a disadvantage. An Ogre Shaman has frontal stun immunity, which is the best racial advantage in the game. The disadvantages include being KOS to a lot factions and being large. If an Ogre Shaman wants to obtain the Skyiron Cudgel he or she will first have to farm 3000+ bone chips to raise Iksar faction and then wait until Velious launches in order to loot an item with Alliance on it to bring the capped Indifferent faction to Allied. On Mischief server, the Ogre Shaman can create an Iksar Shaman to hand in every item or buy the completed item from EC tunnel.

    This game doesn't have a lot of challenges left to it, and the FV rule set removes the last little bit of it.
    Alikat likes this.
  17. Zapsos Augur

    For me, free trade makes the part of the game I hate the most - ‘BazaarQuest’ near mandatory. If I don’t bother with buying, selling and trading I’m intentionally gimping myself. No longer is the best way to improve my character to figure out the most impactful upgrade and go camp / work toward that. The best way to improve my character is to find the most optimal money making route and then just buy the best of everything.

    If anything, random loot makes free trade even worse, because the chance of getting what I want is so much worse, everything That drops has to be sold and converted in to “cash” to buy what I actually wanted.
  18. Hekkthebank Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

    that weapon is relevant for 1 xpac?
  19. Brazy Augur

    Yes, please Free-Trade. It''ll make this server a million times more popular
  20. Celatus Augur

    should be free trade on both, there should be no going back from free trade
    dwiguslowater, OMEGALORD and Muscle like this.