[REQUEST] Allow named mobs to spawn in instances / enable locked pick-zones

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ashigaru, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. Ashigaru Augur

    On several servers there are various groups engaging in toxic behaviour. Some are automated, some aren't. Killing quest mobs, kill-stealing, monopolising spawns, etc.

    None of this behaviour that would lead to suspension / ban, but it is gradually impacting the bottom line. People leave to move to other games where this behaviour doesn't occur.

    It's not a great state of affairs, but I guess we have to accept that DPG don't have the GM-power to police this.

    That being the case, can we remove some of the pain, by either allowing named to spawn in instances or give players the option to set up locked picks. e.g. locked to a guild, a group or whatever? Or have a "large" instance e.g. four groups?

    Hopefully this wouldn't overload the instance hamster (especially if this was limited to current / 2-3 most recent expansions) as these instances are being fired to run the group missions.

    I know some of the players engaging in said toxic behaviour will need to chime in to mock me (I'm unbelievably tough, so it's OK), and a couple of folks will tell me to police this (sorry - if it's not bannable, tough to police and if I wanted to PVP I'd play PVP) - no problem, jump in.

    Hopefully someone from the developer team will read and respond.

    Thanks for listening
    cadres, Igniz, Yinla and 1 other person like this.
  2. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    Since when do named mobs not spawn in instances?
  3. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    None of the missions this time round have named mobs, I believe that is what he is refering to by instances, not /pick.

    Something needs to be done about botters distrupting game play and these ideas seem like a great way to combat that.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  4. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    That makes sense that missions don't have named mobs...because it would be a way for people to artificially farm named mobs, without actually farming named mobs.
  5. Ashigaru Augur

    I may have been unclear so let me be more specific

    E.g. the EW mission. Give it the same base pop as the EW static zone - no named at the start. Kill trash, then there is the same chance as a named to spawn as there is in the static zone. Same time invested. Does that make more sense?
  6. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    Personally, I'm of the opinion that every current expansion static zone should always have 2 picks, and add others if those 2 fill up.