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Remove Truebox Code from Agnarr

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Dhorrin_Agnarr, Apr 19, 2019.

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  1. Dhorrin_Agnarr New Member

    It would be really handy not to have to use my pos laptop for my enchanter box. At this point in Agnarr's life, I can't imagine how being able to have more than one instance of EQ per machine would make a difference.
  2. QuasiGnome Journeyman

    Please don't consider changing Agnarr from what it is and was promised to be.

    Truebox doesn't prevent abuse completely but it's done well enough to keep me playing.
  3. HoodenShuklak Augur

    I can't believe they made agnarr free to play.

    Might as well make it a 2box server. Poor folks probably struggling with the rate of new servers.
  4. Gremin Augur

    Daybreak is not going to change rules on already established servers. People on different TLPs for years have tried to no avail.
  5. Jaera Augur

    Daybreak has made changes to the rules on progression servers.

    Ragefire and Lockjaw originally had the same unlock schedule, but had changes made to make them sync up.

    Phinigel originally had 3 month unlocks no matter what, then they changed Velious and Luclin to 4, and changed "non level cap increase" expansions to 2 months.

    There's no harm in asking, just like Phinigel would probably like to have Truebox turned off (or had been turned off in SoD when Mercs came out) now that Truebox has both served its purpose and been proven to be a massive failure.
    Nessirfiti likes this.
  6. Gremin Augur

    I main on Lockjaw, what changes where made to RF/LJ schedule?

    Phinnies changes where made due to issues with adding MotM or something similiar if I recall, not due to calls for change.
  7. Kahna Augur

    Agnarr is not free to play, it was just moved on the server select screen. Same with RF/LJ, Phinny and Coirnav.
  8. Machentoo Augur

    Lockjaw was originally six months lockout per expansion, now it is three. That's a pretty huge change.
  9. Gremin Augur

    That was never a change. RF and LJ always have had beat the content then timer begins for vote. The timer has always been set to 6 mos until DoN hit then it became 3 mos.

    There has never been any change to RF or LJ that's been called for by the players and granted by the Devs. Believe me, we have tried... we begged for AoC, 1 year of PoP was brutal, etc etc.

    I hope people can get what they want but history dictates once a server is in play they dont change the rules.
  10. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Who do i trust anymore?
  11. Kahna Augur

    There was a change called for by the players. Ragefire was changed from 6 months of classic to 3 months. It's the reason lockjaw was behind them for several expansions, and the reason why you could go from Lockjaw to RF but not the other way around. They were both originally supposed to be 6 months but people complained and they let the populations vote. RF voted to go to 3 months of classic and LJ voted for 6.
  12. Gremin Augur

    Ahh yes, now I remember. I stand corrected. However, I seriously doubt Daybreak will take into consideration the removal of AoC. Changing one expansion by 3 months is nothing in comparison to removing AoC.
  13. Smellybuttface New Member

    Boxers already have ruined the live servers, let's not give more incentive to do the same to TLP's.
  14. Roxxlyy Augur

    There are currently no plans to change the rules on the Agnarr server.
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