Remove group-initiated quest start requirements

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Rumblerum, May 4, 2016.

  1. Rumblerum Augur

    How about removing group-initiated quest start requirements? I've done a few of these solo, especially lower-level ones just for expansion progression and I had to beg and find random people to join the group just to initiate the quests.

    In each, I went in alone with my merc and successfully completed them. Granted they were probably ten levels below me, but I wanted to do older expansion progressions as a newly-minted heroic just to see, explore and experience.

    Can you just remove this requirement and instead provide a BIG warning and disclaimer that this group content? I find doing group content solo challenging and it's very difficult to find people to group just to initiate? Let us try this content alone and if we die, we die, that's the price we pay for going it alone, but give us that choice and opportunity please. Especially if newer players like myself wants to see older group content that can easily be soloed just for the sake of experiencing it.

    Thank you.
    Ssdar, beryon, Goranothos and 2 others like this.
  2. Brudal Augur

    Another option is a 2nd account which can be free to play. Offline characters in group will satisfy the majority of group and raid requests. Although adding the ability to form a group of offline characters with a single account would be nice.
    KaoK likes this.
  3. KaoK Lorekeeper

    Accessibility to content should never be limited aside from solely resting on having the necessary flagging pre-requisites (if any) IMO - and of those requirements, they should be able to be requested solo as well.

    Unfortunately given limited resources (it does get old having to keep using that reason but it's true), making a F2P account to add offline members to your group is an "easy" work around.

    People have been asking for this type of thing for ages... it just doesn't seem in the cards at the moment. :(
  4. Triconix Augur

    There are certain things that even require 6 people to be in the zone at the same time in order to request the mission. Now that's a pain in the behind.
    Iila likes this.
  5. Hellboy007 Augur

    no joke..

    on the topic though what would it take to just change the min req to 1? they are currently what? 3-6