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Remove ground spawns as bottlenecks

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Moadeep, Jun 29, 2024.

  1. Flexin Not an amateur

    AJ on Mangler was a nightmare. So bad in fact that the made a change to the enchanter charm on mobs flagged as rare. Hilarious though. Never seen so much hilarity and hate in /ooc
  2. Sarepean Lorekeeper

    At the end of the day, I can compete with map hackers or people charming mobs (I used to carry around magic resist weapons/gear and haste items to hand charmed pets, was funny AF). I can't beat a warper going directly to a ground spawn and picking it up before I can even react to something that spawned right in front of me.

    And I determined that GMs might do nothing without some sort of video evidence. Know how hard that is to get in a place like Swamp of No Hope? I can see maybe a third of the spawn points (most at a distance) and needed See Invis just to remove that doubt, even then I didn't catch the guy on camera after 3 attempts. So I gave up and tried to catch his warping in Cabillis to the parcel, but he never even appeared at either zone line despite zoning in (I could target him).

    I ended up getting lucky and he either had a malfunction or messed up turning his hacks off and I caught him on video in the Swamp of No Hope at the Cabillis line where he was waiting for the spawn. Even then, the forum rules prevent me from linking to the video or telling you guys how to find a copy, since his name is visible in the video--- and petitions apparently can't have video uploaded to it over a certain size, so even sending it to the GMs was a headache once I captured it.

    I'm not asking for changes because "Woe is me, this is too hard." I'm asking for changes because it's pretty clear DBG isn't able to catch this sort of hack in an automated way and so the nature of the competition needs to be changed if there's any hope of stopping this behavior.

    My guild seems to be of the opinion that if a hacker successfully does this and sells the item as few as 3 times, he's in the money for a burner account. That's a really big problem.
  3. GameKiller Elder

    Incorrect. The mobs all drop the same 7 medallions and in multiple quantites.

    For example, I can kill the skeleton in Dreadlands and he drops 9 medallions, 5 are unique and 4 are lore conflict and remain on the corpse.
  4. Xerzist Augur

    You think that's annoying, Canni 2 has a 4 hour ground spawn component. It's a fracking low level spell. Yeah, ground spawns need to basically respawn in very quick intervals. That's not a "quest", its a waste of time, kind of like this TLP queue...
    ForumBoss and GameKiller like this.
  5. Muramx Augur

    This is not false as this is how I got all of mine....
  6. Muramx Augur

    And the marauder can drop all of them including the ground spawn ones... there is a reason he is killed every 45mins.
  7. HellHound989 Journeyman

    I spent 3-4 hours trying to get this ground spawn. Just have to be lucky that it spawns in the general area your character is at (since there is a wide range on where it can spawn).

    But wanted to say this was EZ PZ compared to the bottleneck that was Lich of Miragul for the Pally Epic. I literally spent 7 days (6/26 - 7/03) for this mob that spawns once every ~24 hours. At least I got to chat and befriend a few paladins during the interim
  8. Hamshire Augur

    Its ridiculously that this is still a thing, the ground spawns are literally 3rd party program parts of the quest, people sit there with autoclickers running to grab these things and normal people don't even have a chance. This has been an issue for years, all other parts of the key can drop off trash and all other future key issues have also been moved to trash so why is this not the same?
    Aziuno likes this.
  9. Ddraig New Member

    Why are people acting like this is news? Posting like, "See this DBG? This is a problem!"

    This behavior - using third party programs to warp and to click - has been going on for YEARS and DBG has done nothing. They know exactly what is going on, down to the goriest detail, and they do nothing to stop it. People act like the devs are going to see their posts and go, "OMG! We didn't know this was happening! We'll fix that right away!"

    This company CHOOSES to do nothing. It's not an accident, nor a misunderstanding, nor any other excuse you can white knight with. DBG purposefully ignores the problem.

    If it bothers the players then the players need to stop subscribing to DBG. Period. A drop in revenue is the only thing that will get their attention. And we all know deep down that won't happen, and DBG knows it too. So why would they do anything? That would take time and effort. As long as revenue stays up they can ignore the problems with the game forever.

    Around and around the merry-go-round goes.
    junglevoodooman likes this.
  10. Lance Mo`Nance New Member

    Coming from someone who did the painful swamp piece twice already, I think the respawn timer should be shortened to what OP is suggesting. The only people against this are VP medallion piece sellers, or people who sat there for 10 hours and want everyone else to have just as bad of an experience as they had (get a life, touch some grass, etc.), like everything else on Teek, people will try to find a niche and make a quick buck out of it - really sad
    GenericName7 likes this.
  11. junglevoodooman New Member

    Why stop trying to make things better? I agree with a previous poster that 9 collection items from 9 different areas is tedious enough
  12. Bushlover New Member

    As someone who has sold around 20 VP keys I can tell you that it's not that hard to do. Avoid the peak hours and you'll be fine.