Recent patch and implementation of lockouts

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Mortium, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. Mortium Elder

    First off, I totally support getting rid of systems that allow for abuse/exploits by players.

    However, what I don't support are systems that make life more difficult. Cactus mission seems to be double locked for security.

    a) Upon requesting the mission it is locked out immediately. You can't add new players, so if for some reason a player has to leave for life emergencies (it happens), you are left with 5 players and a merc at best. You now cannot drop mission and ask for it again or you get lockouts.

    b) You have no control over when you are removed from the shared task. Currently the quest leader can issue a /kickp t command and you are instantly removed from the task. With the recent changes, this means that you are now unable to loot any items that may have dropped.

    I'm sure there is a better way to implement this! I thought I had it figured, but then realised my own system could be exploited too :(

    Ideas on a postcard all?