Reading SPA's in spell file

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Febb, May 6, 2017.

  1. Febb Augur

    I'm not sure how to read that particular end of the spells. I know there are particular SPA's and they have a particular function, however I'm trying to figure out what each individual field is for in the SPA column.

    For example, Summon Corpse. 1|91|70|0|100|0. What does each field represent and what do those numbers mean? Need more input.
  2. Sancus Augur

    The format is Slot | SPA | Base1 | Base2 | Calc | Max. A $ separates each slot.

    The SPA determines what the slot does, and Base1 and Base2 give the values for the SPA. Calc is pretty much always 100, though I don't know what it does. Max denotes the some sort of maximum value; how exactly that functions is probably dependent on the SPA.

    If two spells have the same SPA in the same slot, they generally won't stack. The order of slots often also determine the order in which you read different spell effects (usually for limits on foci and the sort).

    For the example you gave, there's an SPA 91 effect with a Base1 of 70 in the first slot of Summon Corpse. SPA 91 is SummonCorpse, and the Base1 value is the maximum level (70).

    Another example (used because it uses max): Aegis of Kildrukaun 1|163|7|0|100|18918. In slot 1 it has SPA 163, which is Absorb Hit. Base1, which is 7, gives the maximum number of incoming hits. The Max is 18918, which denotes a maximum damage value per hit of 18918 damage.

    You can find a list of SPAs here.

    It's worth noting that, for the vast, vast majority of use cases, you'll get the same information in a much more digestible format from a spell parser. Raidloot is my favorite because of the format of the information, though EQResource gives a bit more raw information.
    Febb likes this.
  3. Febb Augur

    Excellent info. Thanks much! That will get me started.
  4. Febb Augur

    Ok spell is cleric's aegolism. Here is the SPA's.


    I got the spell blockers and I even figure out if calc is 203 then it uses base 1 to read another SPA. I'd love to get a list of calc's and what they do. I've read over some of raidloot's spell parser code and I haven't found anything that mentions the calcs.

    Anyways, AC value for this spell is 54 according to lucy. Now getting 54 from $4|1|180|0|100|180 took some head scratching and then I figured I would do some math to try and get that number from 180 so I came up that AC values are divided by 3.33 or something very close to that.

    Correct me if I'm wrong here. I'm trying to learn the different types of spells and how to read their SPA's. I got direct damage and think I got HP buff here. I'm sure there are some spells out there with 20+ SPA's that are seriously complicated to read.
  5. josh Augur

    Every part of the AC calculation is complicated. for the whole explanation see this

    This being the relevant bit here

  6. Xanathol Augur

    Raidloot's spell parser code is available here.