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Re-tuned HAs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Galien, Jan 17, 2018.

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  1. Gana Augur

    Trying to figure out what happened when they changed the HA scaling code:

    Let's say there are 3 expansions per level increase. At 100, CotF HA mobs went to 104+ based on CotF difficulty. Per Prathun, CotF scaled from 100 to 105. Assuming it started at TDS, the relative strength of the mobs was to scale of the TDS 106+ mobs? Did CotF HA mobs strengthen to TBM or EoK level 106+ mobs with each expansion? Is there a difference in power for those mobs (106 TDS vs 106 TBM vs 106 EoK - Sorry, I am on Fippy so don't know)? With the recent change to the HAs, the mobs scale to a 106+ mob from ROS. There is clearly a significant difference between the 106+ mobs in CotF HAs scaled to TDS compared to ROS. Has the scale been gradually increasing or was it stagnant at the TDS 106+ until the recent patch? Will that mean the next 2 years/expansions will make these TAs "easy" again? Does this mean this "over-tuning" is going to happen every time there is a level increase?

    I hope we get another hint from the team this week as to what they are thinking. Hoping they will come and start a banter about what they are considering (thus, why the change has not occurred yet), but after 3+ weeks, I am feeling that they have already made a decision and will just implement it in the February patch (at best). That's in a week or so? My normally optimistic side is starting to wane.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  2. Bobsmith Augur

    It is sad when I can't tell if you are trolling or just outright incorrect.
    Whulfgar likes this.
  3. enclee Augur

    Honestly level scaling is one of those ideas that sounds great on paper, but is a terrible idea. It ruins the point of a level and gear based progression game, if it’s always the same?
    Gyurika Godofwar and Mordeen like this.
  4. Millianna Augur

    The amount of exp for all three Gribbles isn’t good at all. I just got 180 AA in RoS in three hours (60 per hour average). Try making that from Gribbles.
  5. kizant Augur

    I sort of understood why people did DH HAs during TDS since there was a pretty big jump in mob hit points but by the time TBM was out it really made no sense. A half decent crypt of sul group was way better and EoK xp was way better than that.
  6. Bigstomp Augur

    Gorowyn group mission is amazing xp.
  7. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    I am aware of the part i omitted that followed this.
    I would still say that i am not so sur eit was a "BAD idea to begin with".
    But i would say that if scaling UP was intended from the start (i did not have that impression since my return, but was corrected by a dev post), then the method was done.. erm.. suboptimally.
    If PC power-gain per XP were, just to give some figures for copmparison, 10% and HAs would "scale up" for 5 to 7%, then i'd not see this problem - at least not to this extent. We'd still "overpower" the content over time, just slower than normal.
    But if the goal were or would have been to provide additional "current" content - which also were a fair goal given how small the expansions have become - then the work isn't even half done.
    The (scaled) missions would need links for the nameds to some current named-template (or a new one that drops random current stuff) and the currency from them should reflect the expansion they just scaled to as well.
    This could even be "tiered" as in: HAs from 1-2 years back drop T2 stuff and older than that just drops T1 stuff - or fiddle with probabilities for tiers or whatever.

    The problems you mention... i take it you are referring to "abandoned scaling attempts" like LDoNs and such.
    Well, lessons learned - some stuff is more dependant on manual input than others.
    And i think that you mention that all effort of that kind is BOUND to fail or be for nothing is not true.
    But i think many things of the past were the result of typical anglo-saxon actionism where some more of the typical german stratetical thinking would've been needed.
    So one COULD think up a (on paper, implementation is naturally a different thing) relatively simple DB-guided system so updates/changes to the scaling would only be a series of SQL's sent to the different servers (such could even get around the requirement they have with forced downtimes for updates on most of their things).
    It CAN work, but it would be very much hinge on what technology they currently use and how open/competent they are with thinking differently and using different tools than what they currently might have.
    (i mean i have seen typical "programmers" using the backend for a trashcan and forfeiting some serious saving potential...)
    Noone claims that to be a "simple" thing - but it might be worthwhile (in terms of RoI), if we're thinking ahead longer than a year or two.

    It is moot though to speculate on that - we simply do not have enough information to even warrant more hypothesizing on this by us.
  8. Vdidar Augur

    This thread might reach as many pages as the orginal mage pet nerf thread
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  9. enclee Augur

    We could maybe hit 100 pages if we have talk about mage pets vs tanks.
    Vdidar likes this.
  10. Millianna Augur

    There are more unique post on this thread then on the mage thread.
  11. wingz-83 Augur

    With the same result!
    Vdidar likes this.
  12. Allayna Augur

    52 pages of salt....impressive.
    Whulfgar likes this.
  13. HeatherPurrs Augur

    This is about progression AAs... Has DB noticed me not logging in for the last two weeks?
  14. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Depends. If the game strictly revolved around you, then probably. However, I doubt it does, so they would probably lump you in with everyone else that hasn't logged in, then make the decision from there.
    Warpeace and Oakenblade like this.
  15. Tornicade_IV Augur

    Ha's should scale from the content they were designed for not the latest release.

    If someone can molo a TBM at level 95 in TBM level 95 gear. they should be able to molo It at 110 in TBM 95 gear or similar quality gear appropriate for their level. either way . The idea that after a certain level you cannot progress against the scale is ludicrous.
    I as able to molo ha's at 90 and 95 in 85 raid gear Now I am doubtful that I will be able to molo at 105 in TBM 105 gear. with the idea that I can get EOK Tier 2 gear and have an easier time with it.
    Gyurika Godofwar, Mordeen and Niskin like this.
  16. Roxxlyy Augur

    We will be making some tweaks to the way that some HAs are scaling with the February game update a couple of weeks from now. More details will be released as we get closer to that.

    Edit: Yes, these tweaks will make HAs easier and not harder. :)
  17. Bobsmith Augur

    Inc, 50 more pages of speculation and backhanded thank you comments. Lol
    eepok and Whulfgar like this.
  18. Fohpo Augur

    Thank you for taking the time to communicate this.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Quatr like this.
  19. Balthen Lorekeeper

    When you get your easy stick out to adjust old content, can you take a look at the pieces of eight drops for TDS expansions and triple that? While I enjoy boxing my way thru old content the reward/cost is ludicrous. I can only imagine the flaming that went on when that expansion was current.
  20. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Please communicate our collective thank you for following up on this topic.

    I will give my progression missions a shot after the updates and report back.
    Gyurika Godofwar and eepok like this.
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