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Randomize Sky Loot.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zinkeh, Jul 13, 2021.

  1. Zinkeh Augur

    Please for the love of God randomize Sky loot. At the very least....randomize the loot from the Death Pony. There are dozens of Necros trying to finish their epic and with that lovely 1 month of classic on Thornblade and Mischief people stopped going to Plane of Sky a while ago.

    Auctions are full of people trying to get the Ranger cloak, Necro cloak...yet no one is selling because...NO ONE wants to go to Sky. It's like pulling teeth to get anyone up there as the time spent up there is pure garbage for 2 hours.

    Please...Please....Please....randomize at the very least...the Death Pony loot table. Pretty much every necro without his epic on the 2 new TLPS are stuck at the cloak and it's getting worse as more necros are made.
  2. FranktheBank Augur

    Mischief has plenty of Ranger and Necro Cloaks for sale.

    Please post your offer and I'll add you to the list.
    Lanffear likes this.
  3. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    It's one groupable in Kunark if ya have a cleric buddy. Also spawns in DZ, can be triggered multiple times per instance, and Sky keys are tradeable. Boring to camp for sure, but the bottleneck isn't too bad. I think overall adding Sky drops to the randomizer would result in a lot more useless or nearly useless drops taking up loot table spots.
  4. Hadesborne Augur

    The problem is that the KoS loot would only be randomized on mobs that are it's level + 5 levels. So we are talking Gorgalosk (which would be nice to get KoS from him), The named Bees, Spiroc Guardian, Spiroc Lord, Noble Dojorn, Overseer of Air. Sister, Hand and Eye. The ONLY one that takes less effort and time than KoS is Gorgolosk.
  5. bardybard Augur

    You don't need the duck stick.
    Go do the Kunark Necro quests, rewards are better anyway.
  6. Atomos Augur

    Epic quests are a major point of EQ for many of us. There's no reason not to do both the Demi Lich Skullcap and the Necro Epic.

    Sky has always needed adjustments. The whole concept of a mob not spawning until later needs to be removed, the Keeper of Souls should just already be up just like everything else. The keys are a silly and pointless nuisance. Keys could be removed and either give all the mobs in the zone the ability to teleport onto players to prevent utilizing the portals to escape mobs, or just make the boss of each island give the player a flag like the game does later on. The drop rate on items also needs to be increased, on both trash and bosses (bosses could really stand to drop more things at a time).

    Hell, maybe just get rid of the whole crummy quest system in there and make the bosses drop completed items.
  7. dentalplan lisa needs braces

    Necro has the worst epic in the game by pretty much any metric and it's replaced on day 1 of Velious.
  8. Madae Elder

    No one should be saying "It's bad, don't bother". Let people play how they want to play. The server rules promote the idea, it just needs to be implemented. There's nothing wrong with the request.
  9. Cainen Augur

    As others have said, its farmable with 1 group, spawns multiple times a day in open world, has a DZ and there are several for sale on Mischief most of the time.

    Go get a group of friends together and farm it. Sky being left alone is fine, its random enough as it is.
  10. bardybard Augur

    Sure, play how you want to play and obtain your epic just like every single necro obtained their epic before.
    The loot pinata on Mischief is just making everyone super entitled.

    Completed epics dropping off bosses ... with that nonsense.
    What's next? Full BIS equipment when you create your characters? What's the point of even playing the game lol
  11. Green_Mage Augur

    before epic 2.0 the cloak should be cheap. There will be a lot of box farmers and small groups farming sky items and increasing supply. Meanwhile demand drops over time.

    A lot of us are sick of sky. That's really not a problem with the game design IMO. It's the problem with raiding the same zone for too long.
    Nennius likes this.
  12. Madae Elder

    Is the implication here that because some necros "did it the hard way" that it's now, somehow, unfair to them to change this? And whatever the mentality might be about the new loot rules, it still remains that this change is present on the server practically everywhere except Sky, and maybe some other places I don't know about, so making the change there does little, if anything, to affect the quality of this game or server. It does, however, make the experience more consistent, so again, I don't see the problem with this.
  13. bardybard Augur

    Sure they can randomize loot in Sky, as someone posted above that would not really do anything to help you get the cloak any faster. You still have to go to sky as that is the only Classic zone with mobs of that level.
  14. Madae Elder

    I'm not a necro, I just agree that this is a change that could be made. I'm not gonna argue about whether or not it makes it any faster. That's not the point.
  15. Abundant Elder


    Or you could friend/guild without zerg pleb-types and terribads lol, surprising how many people are needing so much on the easiest server to date. Not everyone here is pixel-lusted, but with that said the average player can't tell when a genuine person has their back hardly ever anymore so w/e. Personally could care less about sped up epics and I'd gladly pass on a lotta stuff for friends/guildies, but finding decent friends isn't quite what it used to be.
  16. zillabunny New Member

    Replaced by what?
  17. Zanarnar Augur

    Asking for randomized loot on your server advertised as having randomized loot?